

Her Beautiful Tragedy

‘Sometimes in our lives, people will teach us that someone will come to not stay, but to just leave something precious behind.
A memory, a story for us to tell.
Nothing more.’, she said to herself.

And for a moment, she knew, she hoped for something more. She hoped for a few more nights of warm hugs and laughter with him. When sleep prefers to ignore her at times she needed it most, she hoped for more thousand shared stories which can comfort her tired soul. She hoped for him to look her in the eyes and tell her things she has yet known. She hoped for the silence of the world, so she could clearly hear the beating of his heart until she feels she’s not alone. She hoped for the love to remain. She hoped for him to stay.

But, like dandelion seeds thrown in the air, she must learn to let go of everything. Not just to free them from her grip, but to free herself from all the chains she had tied around her feet. For once, she must learn to move forward – without looking back.

This is for her.

This is her story.

© princessmarilyn