

Hi everyone. I'm new here and I just thought I should try this out, so I'm scrolling through the posts and saw that everyone just kind of write some short story and I think I should try this out.

This is my story, TRAP. Which is really long but don't worry. I'm gonna try posting a chapter everyday for you and you will only be notified if you are following me.



Tears. Blood. Sweat.

Running blindly through trees.

Bones. Cries. Grief.

The beast is back.

Laughter. Smiles. Grins.

The heart never rejoices.

Axe. Swords. Daggers.

It never ends.

Screams. Agony. Longing

You never get home

The beast is back.

Best watch your back;

With his daggers...

And axe.








A soft groan left my lips, my hand swiping at my ears as if that could stop the noise that seemed to continue in an endless loop.




Another groan escaped from my mouth as I tried to open my eyes, they felt like lead. I groaned again.

"Asia. Hey", I mumbled, patting the place next to me, expecting the familiar feeling of sheets on my hand but instead, I felt cold hard ground. My eyes flew open immediately, making my head pound,  I hissed, trying to figure out where I am. The second I did, I shot out of where I was laying from, the muscles of my body screaming. I looked around frantically as if something is going to fly out of the darkness that engulfed me.

I couldn't help it, I panicked.

What the hell? How did I get here. What am I doing here why...

My breaths come out in shuddering pants, I couldn't possibly be sleepwalking right? I remember climbing into Asia bed and then closing my eyes and then... then... then I woke up here.





I looked towards where the sound was coming from, it looked like water was leaking from the roof.. no not a roof. A tunnel. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to figure out how I got here but I just don't know how or what I was really doing here, so far I knew this isn't a dream, the ache in my head and the pain screaming in my muscles was a proof of that. Either way, I need to get to the end of the tunnel and find my way home. I must be sleepwalking, that's the only explanation for this even though I never sleepwalked, that's more like Asia.

I looked down at what I was wearing, the darkness blinded me but I was sure it was the dainty night gown I had worn to sleep. I hugged myself as I looked left and right of the tunnel. The problem is. How did I end up here, the bigger problem is where do I go, which place led to the end of the tunnel so that I could find my way home.

I let out shuddering breaths, the breaths coming out in a smoky fog in front of me, looking cautiously at both of my left and right wondering which way to go. I did not allow myself to think too much and just close my eyes, if I probably end up at a dead end, I can just turn back.

I turned to the left side of the tunnel, my legs shaky as I dragged them through the tunnel. Why do I feel so tired? Was I beaten up, then dumped here. I really wished I had my phone right now. My thoughts scrambled  about and for once in my life, the silence scared me and the sound of my heavy breathing and my thundering heart frightened me even more.

Drip. Drip. Drop. Drop.

Almost everywhere in the tunnel was leaking, collecting into small puddles on the ground. The further I went , the more it becomes darker and heart smashed threateningly against his ribcage. Something about this tunnel felt eerie, strange, like a...


I yelped, twirling towards the sound, the sound of my own voice echoing down and down the tunnel.

Clatter, crash.

I stepped backwards, looking frantically at everywhere but it was so dark I couldn't even see my hands. "H..hello", I said shakily, my voice rough and hoarse.

Clatter, clatter.

My breath hitched in my throat as I tried to control it, the sound is coming nearer now. "Who...who is out t... there?" I stepped backwards, my voice louder now. 'Is anyone th....Ahhh!"


They are rats. Several of them running over my feet, their legs clattering off in a distance. I let out a sigh...of relief probably? What if it was some kind of sick psycho that kidnapped me from my house and tried to keep me here. I need to run, I don't know why but my gut is telling me, this tunnel is dangerous. I just wanted to be out of this place and went back to curl on my bed. I gripped myself tighter. Are we still at night or in the morning already? My mind wandered to Kid, my poor poor dog, what happened to him? Is he still at home? Or Asia? We'd slept on the same bed together

I shook my head out of those thoughts, there's only one way to leave here and that's to find the exit which I can't do if I stayed here and panicked.

I have to get home, get back to Asia and Kid and forget this ever happened. Letting out a determined sigh, I turn back to continue the journey I had started and I moved, dragging my shaky heavy legs, it took me a second to realize I was walking on nothing.

A scream tore my eardrums apart as I fell, probably from me but I was too busy falling to care. Air whipped past me, making my blonde hair fly up as I stretched my hand as if some invisible force would pull me up. My scream stopped short when my back fell hardly into a rock, my body rolling instantly my head banging hard against another rock and I rolled and rolled and rolled, eventually the torture stopped. My head was throbbing painfully, my dainty nightgown hunged up by some rock and I was naked except for my panties, I could feel the bruises on my body especially my head, I could feel blood oozing out of it, falling into my eyes. My right thigh felt like it could weigh millions and I was pretty sure a rock had lodged itself into it. Tears slipped from my closed eyes, as I tried to will myself to stand up, my left cheek pressed painfully against the stone.

Is this how I died?

Kid needs me.

Mom and dad would be worried, even if they never cared.

Asia only has me. There would be no one to take care of her anymore if I died, there would be no one to defend her if she was bullied, there would be no one to talk to when she came to her senses, there will be no one to play with when she's out of her senses.

More tears slipped from my eyes as my eyes fluttered open. I can't afford to die, Asia needs me. Everything was a blur as I fought to keep my eyes open, darkness surrounding the edges of my vision. The first thing I noticed was light, a small smile curled at my lips at my victory, I reached the end of the tunnel.

I will be able to get back home.

To Asia. To Kid

Two blurry figures emerged, walking towards me but they were so far away, I reached out a shaky hand to them as darkness tried to pull me under its spell. The last thing I heard before I succumbed to it was the shriek of a feminine voice that sounded so very far away.

"She's alive!"

I hope you enjoyed it. First chapter will be posted tomorrow. Follow me for more.


© Precious