

Ends In Aid Season 1 Part 25(Final Part)
(Voiced By Kenneth)
Well, today at school, Susan told me about her 'halfway progress' that she had concerning Ngozi and I'm really happy for that.
It's just a matter of time, before Ngozi gets over her fears and come back to school....
Well, I and Susan are still on our search of finding solid evidence against Ada....and the truth of the matter is that, we are kinda feeling pressured at this moment because the court day is coming very soon and if we don't find that solid evidence that we need to put Ada in prison, then Ada would be set free....
We all don't want that to happen.
So, I have come up with the thought that if my brother's assumption is right concerning the fact that Anderson sent or paid Ada to kill my dad in order for Anderson to get my dad out of the way and take my dad's company from my dad....this kinda makes me to think that there's no way Anderson would send or pay Ada to kill my dad if they had not communicated first.
But how would they had communicated if they had not met.
So, I'm concluding that there may have been several communications and meetings before Ada finally poisoned my dad.
This must have been communications and meetings that occured many days before the day my dad was poisoned by Ada.
Come to think about it.....there's no way Ada would know Anderson except Anderson came to meet her. And I know verywell that Ada normally used to stay in our house since she was our Housemaid.
So, if she mostly stays at home....then that means for Anderson to meet her, he had to first visit her....that means visiting our house and if he visited our house.....the only human that can know that should be our Gateman.
So, I've decided to talk to my gateman once I return from school today.
During break period at school, I told Susan about my idea and my thoughts concerning Ada's case.
Well, Susan was totally on board with my idea and thoughts and she agreed to follow me to my house after school in order that we both can ask my Gateman some questions.
So, after school, Akpan, my driver came and picked us and took us to my house and parked the car infront of my house.....inside my compound.
Then we came out of the car and walked straight to my Gateman.
My Gateman's name is Etim.
Etim saw us approaching him, then he asked "Oga, please, what is the problem?".
Well, I think he is quite surprised concerning the way we are approaching him because if we wanted to talk to him, we usually called him and he will come to him....but now we are coming to him and he is wondering and surprised.
Etim asked "oga, please, what did I do?.....Are you coming to sack me.....please, I dey beg you....please, don't sack me".
I asked "and why on earth would you think that I'll want to sack you? And besides if you were to be sacked, it ain't gonna be me that would do it....so, please, don't worry about it".
Etim asked "okay, oga. So, why are you three coming to me right now".
I answered "well, we want to ask you some questions".
Etim replied "no problem".
I said "well, lets us all go into my house and talk".
Etim replied "okay".
Susan asked "so, we walked all the way here to still walk back to your house and talk?".
I answered "yeah. What is wrong with that?....it's not as if the distance is much".
Susan replied "but that is kinda stressful to walk such a short distance for nothing whereby we could just have called your Gateman from your car......we could have just saved up some energy".
I said "please, Susan. Stop sounding like you are an Ajebotar because you aren't. You may be rich but you aren't".
Susan replied "well, I know that I'm not an ajebotar but I'm thinking about Energy maximization and Time Maximization".
I asked "and don't you think that we are wasting energy and time talking about such a meaningless matter like this?".
Susan answered "well, you're kinda right about that".
I said "of course, I'm right. Well, let's us all go inside my house".
As we began walking inside my house.
Then we sat down in the four different couches in the parlour because we are four in number.
Then I began saying to Etim "well, Etim, all the questions I'm gonna ask you, is concerning Ada".
Etim replied "thank God. I'm gonna get fired".
Wow, he really didn't understand me when I told him that I won't fire him even when he is supposed to be fired....I ain't gonna do it.
But let me just leave that matter because it's meaningless anyway.
Then I asked him "before Ada was arrested by the police, has anyone ever visited Ada this year?".
Etim answered "yeah, many times. Her elder sister used to visit Ada many times during about two weeks before Ada was arrested. In fact, her elder sister visited her on the same day that she was arrested.....her elder sister visited her on that day but very early in the morning around 6:15AM....I saw the time verywell....that was when I was washing the car....well, that was really the first time that her elder sister visited her so early in the morning".
As I confusingly asked "wait a minute, what are you talking about?.....Ada doesn't have an elder sister. She doesn't even have a sister. She only have a younger brother and he is in Aba with their mother. Then who is the woman that claimed to be her elder sister?".
Etim answered "well, I don't know. The woman only told me that she is Ada's elder sister and Ada also told me that the lady is her elder sister".
I said "Ada is a liar. The lady is not Ada's elder sister in anyway. They lied to you. Susan, honestly, I really don't think Anderson had been coming here to talk to Ada.....he wouldn't have done that".
Susan replied "so, you think that Anderson communicated with Ada through Ada's fake elder sister?".
I said "yeah, I think so. That really just explains how Anderson sent or paid Ada to kill my dad".
Akpan replied "but who is this fake elder sister of Ada. Etim, did Ada's fake elder sister tell you her name?".
Etim answered "well, no. I didn't ask".
Susan asked "wait, you didn't ask....why? Why didn't you ask her for her name?".
Etim answered "hmmm....".
Susan said "come on, Etim, answer my question already".
I replied "susie, please, don't be too hard on Etim. Just because he didn't ask for her name, doesn't mean he did something wrong".
Susan said "well, I'm not trying to be hard on him. Come on, why should I be? When I know that we all make mistakes....but all I'm trying to say that he should have asked her concerning her name".
I replied "well, he didn't....so, we've got to accept that....shouldn't we?".
She answered "yeah, we should".
I said "so, Anderson was communicating with Ada through her fake elder sister. Etim, how old do you think Ada's elder sister is?".
Etim answered "well, she looked like hmmm....I think she's in her early twenties".
I said "okay.....so, hmmm....".
Susan asked "Etim, hmm, I'm kinda curious right now. You said that her fake elder sister had been visiting Ada during two weeks before Ada was arrested and you also said that her fake elder sister also visited her on the same day that Ada was arrested but early in the morning".
Etim replied "yes....but she didn't stay long....unlike her other visits. Normally she comes empty handed with only her handbag but that day she came with a food flask....well, I wondered abit that time...like why on earth should Ada's fake elder sister bring her(Ada) food whereby Ada could just cook food in the house".
Susan said "honestly, it's confusing too....why would her fake elder sister bring her food...well, I know that Ada couldn't cook well, her food was terrible but.....".
As I interrupted "that's it!!!".
Susan asked "wait, what's it?".
I answered "Ada can't cook well".
Akpan replied "obviously".
I said "you people don't get it, do you? Ada can't cook well and since she can't cook well then how come her food was extremely delicious on that day according to my dad?".
Akpan answered "well.....".
Susan asked "wait a minute, do you think that Ada was not the person that cooked that delicious food on that day?".
I answered "yes!.....No wonder why her fake elder sister brought her food because she can't cook and if she really wanted to poison my dad, she would have to give him food that he will eat.....what else? Than a delicious food".
Susan said "so, you're trying to say that the food which was poisoned came from her fake elder sister who was obviously sent by Anderson".
I replied "yeah, that is what I'm trying to say".
Susan said "wow. The mystery has been unveiled.....now we know how Anderson killed your dad".
I replied "yeah. Thank God. But the problem is that we haven't yet found any solid evidence to prove that Ada poisoned my dad and to prove the connection between Anderson and Ada in this murder case".
Akpan said "oh I wish we could just find that fake elder sister of Ada. She's the solid evidence that we need to put Anderson and Ada in prison".
I replied "that is a problem there....we can't trace her down and Ada wouldn't even say anything".
Akpan said "maybe we should just go to the police station and ask Ada this time with everything that we have discovered.....maybe....just maybe....Ada would cooperate".
I asked "you really think so?".
Akpan answered "well, you don't know....she could cooperate this time. Since she has now stood in jail for quite a long time....she won't want to enter prison".
Susan replied "and that is the more reason why she would not want to talk to us. Because she knows that as long as she keeps quiet, the better chance for her to be released and free".
Akpan said "well, nothing is wrong trying".
Etim replied "well, I Think you people should try just one more time because we haven't found any solid evidence against Ada and we may never find any solid evidence against her. Think about it".
Susan said "well, maybe we should go now".
I replied "okay, lets go but yet I still see it as a waste of time".
So, we all stood up and walked out of the house. Then I, Susan and Akpan entered the car and finally drove out of the compound.
Few minutes later, we arrived at the police station then we went straight to Ada's Interrogator and requested to see Ada....that we would like to ask Ada some questions because we have discovered some new stuffs concerning Ada.
Then The interrogator replied us saying "well, I'm sorry but that would be impossible".
I confusingly asked "wait, why?".
The interrogator answered "well, because Ada is dead. She was poisoned last night and we found her laid dead this morning in her jail cell".
Susan shockingly said "oh my God. Please, sir, who could have poisoned Ada".
The Interrogator replied "well, we assumed that one of the three jail cooks or even the three jail cooks must have poisoned Ada intentionally and specially. So, we, as the police wanted to go after these three cooks who are ladies but they didn't come to work today....so, we decided to go to their homes one by one....in oder to catch them and put them in custody. So, we went to the first cook who is a young married woman. At her husband's house....her husband told me that she didn't return home last night from work and that he has not seen her since yesterday. So, we could simply conclude that the first cook had run away....so, we left the husband but before we left the husband, we told the husband to call us immediately when she returns home. Well, we didn't tell the husband what she did bad....we were simply just like workers looking for their colleague.
Then we went after the second cook who is a single young lady who is living with her elder brother. So, we went to her elder's brother house and he told us that he has not seen her since yesterday morning, that she did not return home last night. So, we told him to call us as soon as she returns. Then we went after the third cook who is a young independent single lady who is living in her own apartment. So, we went there and her door was locked, we knocked at the door still her neighbors came and told us that she is not around....that they haven't seen her since yesterday morning....that she didn't return home last night. So, we told them to call us once we returns home. Well, we can say that....that is the end of our search for now. For there shall be no more court day for Ada's case because Ada is dead. Well, you all should be happy, your dad has been avenged. For she killed your dad by poisoning him....so, she was also killed by being poisoned". As the Interrogator walks away from our presence.
Akpan said "What a Tragedy....well, I think it's now over. We can now go home and rest".
Susan replied "yeah, lets go". As we all walked out of the police station.
Quick Question.....Am I happy that Ada is dead?....No, Absolutely not. How can I be happy about this?....I didn't wish for Ada to be killed...I really just wanted her to go to prison.
Why does she have to die?
No one deserves to die not even a murderer or a killer. No one deserves to die.....
(Voiced By Frank)
Well, today is my Girlfriend, Ruth's birthday and it's evening. And I really want to surprise her with a birthday gift from me.
Guess what is the birthday gift?...
Well, it's a nice bouquet of Roses and I know that my Girlfriend loves things like this.
So, as soon as I was done cleaning offices for the day, I rushed out of the company and I went and bought the bouquet of Roses. Then I walked with it back into the company.
As I was walking in the company, Henrietta sees me and begins to approach me.
Well, I won't be surprised if she complains about this one too.
Henrietta said "hey, what do we have here....(as I stopped walking and stood still infront of her)....a bouquet of Roses. Wait a minute, Nathan, how did you know that I love roses?".
I replied "well, Henrietta, I hate to blow your bubble but I will tell you the truth.....this bouquet of roses isn't for you".
Henrietta curiously asked "then who is it for?".
I asked "and why do you want to know?".
Henrietta answered "well, I'm kinda curious....I wanna know".
I said "well, it's none of your business. Please, excuse me already....let me go".
Henrietta replied "alright, I'll let you go but can't I know whose the Lucky lady".
I said "well, you can't know and you won't know".
Henrietta asked "wait, do you have a girlfriend?".
I answered "yeah".
Henrietta asked "why?".
I answered "why can't I have a girlfriend. I'm not too young".
Henrietta said "but.......".
I interrupted "see, Henrietta, you're wasting my time. I've got to go".
Henrietta replied "alright, bye. Have a nice time with your....hmmm....girlfriend".
As I continue walking with the bouquet of roses in my hands and a nice smile on my face.
I took an elevator and went straight to the floor that Ruth office is located.
As I began walking towards Ruth's office.....my smiles increased, my happiness increased...I was surely ready to hand over the bouquet of roses to my Ruth.
Then I got to her office.....I stood infront of the door and I breath in and out....getting ready to open the door without knocking first.
"Okay, this is it".
Honestly, I've never given my Ruth a bouquet of roses as her birthday gift before.....this is really gonna be my first time and I'm kinda nervous at this moment.
Then I opened the door wide and saw my Ruth kissing Samson(the Accounting Manager).....that was such a terrible moment of my life, as tears began pouring out of my eyes.....
The opening of the door distracted Ruth and she quickly looked at me.
I got devastated and angry....so, I immediately closed the door and walked away from her office.
It was really painful.....tears continued to pour out of my eyes as I walked towards the elevator.
The worse of all, is that Ruth doesn't even feel any sign of remorse for her actions.....she ought to be running after me and telling me that she's sorry.....like what I used to see in movies but she's not doing such.
I stood infront of the elevator door and waited for her to come after me but she didn't.
Then I finally walked into the elevator and went downstairs.
When I got downstairs, I began walking in the corridor then I saw Henrietta standing.
Well, I was still holding the bouquet of roses.....as Henrietta whose looking concerned walks towards me and asks me "oh Nathan, what happened?....did she reject your roses?....did she break up with you?....please, talk to me....what happened?".
With tears in my eyes, I said "how could she had done that to me....how could she....".
Henrietta confusingly asked "what are you talking about? What did she do to you?".
As I shouted "it is not fair!!!". As I angrily drew the bouquet of roses against the wall and it all scattered on the ground.
Then I began walking away from Henrietta presence as Henrietta asked "please, Nathan, talk to me, what happened?".
As I ignored her question and continued walking out of the company with tears in my eyes.....
(Voiced By Ngozi)
Wow!!!...My Aunty's Restaurant is all filled up with customers.....to the point that many more customers are outside....standing in a long line waiting for the first empty chair in order that they can enter the restaurant and eat.
Honestly, this has never happened before and I'm extremely surprised that we could have this high number of customers in one day.
Well, I was wondering concerning where all these customers come from because my aunty has never advertised her restaurant on the television.....so, where are all these customers coming from?.
I wondered concerning this matter until my Aunty told me that she had told her frequent customers yesterday that I'll be coming to cook today.....so, those customers went and invited their friends and their friends invited their friends' friends......so, that's why the restaurant is all filled up with customers.
Well, we had to feed up all our customers until 9pm in the evening.....well, that's when we closed for the day. We have never closed this late before.
And since Susan's house is a ten minutes trek from my Aunty's restaurant, I decided to walk my way to Susan's house rather than to follow my aunty to her own house.
So, I began walking on the untared road in the dark environment.....it was really quiet because it's a less busy road. Then I decided to walk through a shortcut which is a bush track.
So, I began walking in the bush track, then out of a sudden, I hear a voice saying "my angel". As it enchoed.
Oh no.....that is the same voice that I heard......
As fear erupts in my heart then I began to hear laughters....I turned my back and tried to look behind with my torch light then I heard the same voice again saying "my angel......".
As my heart began beating very fast while I began running and screaming "someone, please, help me! Please, help me!!!!!"...