

Peace In The Storm
How happy could I be without turmoil in life? The peace to think thoughts of joy. No interruptions of negative.

It has been said that negative emotions are signs of needed change. But, what could the change be? How do you flip the coins of turmoil?

Experience has shown we cannot change people, places, or things. Letting go and walking away may bring a sense of peace outside the turmoil that still lingers. Taking breaks from the chaos among the turmoil.

But then, when the heart has that longing for the special connections, the ache goes on. Connections of love, laughter, joy. The special longing of enjoying life together, building relationships that hold a special meaning underneath.

Being rejected and disowned becomes a roadblock against going back. No one available to open the gates of relationship. Being shut out completely feeling the padlocks on life.

Changing thought patterns to going forward in life. Exploring the many avenues we’ve never traveled before. Different opportunities that create the variety of life will continue. The openness of creativity that begins to flow in better directions to find peace.

The anger and fears become lessons for change. Changing thought patterns for better actions. Over time it creates the peace regardless of the raging turmoil we cannot control.

Accepting that it is what is. The fact that some things will never change. With the door shut to the relationship longing, the goals placed on the back burner have that golden opportunity. It’s time to let them shine for the world to see.

Goning forward with grace, skills get honed. No one to interrupt the plan. Let it grow. Let it grow. Let it grow. Written words can have longer, lasting affects anyway. And published, they have long-term affects.

As stories get told, truth goes on display. Nothing to hide it now. Change on the inside is growth on the outside. Not allowing the negative to win.

And with it, naysayers loose their control. Truths get exposed with the made up ideas too! Control is lost in the midst of fiction stories. How well can the turmoil rage with the truths exposed?

So let them laugh as the padlock gets locked. Let them think they have won. In the end, we see who laughs last. Or, who really wins.

Tags: #pain, #relationship, #peace