

Letters of Beneficial Doubt"
Forward: Canofwormsproduction

This is an accumulation of letters that were never written, but should have been, in apologetic-form. And with no particular person in mind, these letters open a can of worms of which would have caught one fish per worm should you have not lost one worm in your journey to the fishing hole!
This is not an educational piece, nor is it a proprietor of things-past to make you finally-mad because you figured it out all by yourself in your own head before the book was written because you should have written it first but procrastinated instead. And now, just by reading your own thoughts in this book think it weird that I should write it for you, years later. This is, however, an attempt at the impossible for having opened the avenues so that the traffic of your mind can move, thus proceeding toward your fate without fateful hinderances along the way! Who's to know: some who read this may see the humor in it all and in their subliminal learning along the way, just laugh off the idiosyncracies of attempted "gatherings-of-attention- though-it-becomes-me-not, book"!
Enjoy! Oh, and let me lead you into the first letter with something that is fact, absolute truth, and undeniably profound: The spirit world contains such things as phenomenon: fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question.
"glaciers are unique and interesting natural phenomena"

Letter I:

While you are in judgement of me, ask yourself if you are better! If you decide you are, try to find out from me what I love and not just notice those things I hate. Try to find the good in me rather than let my bad side knock. Look for ways to let me know that you're on my side and not always on the side of those who feed you what it is that makes you sleep with one eye open. Try to see things from my point of view and ask yourself, "Is this the kind of life he chose, or is there more going on in his cosmos than we can understand; rendering him alone in this battle for the types of senarios that few are accustomed to in their daily trek"?
Can you, just for a moment, know that I detest all the same things you-do and have nothing in common with you; and I totally understand what it is you're going through, yet, you don't understand those things that hinder me. Please don't spend less time cutting me down than you do blowing me back up just because I'm your little bother, or sister, or cousin, or wife, or "cared-about",for that matter! Lean in my direction, not just to cast a shade for me in the sun, but to hear first- hand what I feel, who I really am, and how I see things from a-cruel-world-point-of-view!
Somehow I believe that should you try this, there is hope! Hope, not just for me but for all who are misunderstood and led to the defense of oneself in a time-consuming, irrational, and biased world. Please, get out of your world and visit mine...then, should I be ridiculed, you can do it with a clear conscience and I will be deserving of it in the quick- court sessions that you hold in your opinion of me; minus any further investigation because you gave me the benefit of the doubt!
Letter II:

P.S. If you decide you're not better than me then why are we having this conversation?
Yes, normally, should I thirst for the beneficial doubts that are applied only in a Court of law, I wouldn't be asking you because you don'think you're better than me. However, if by some twist of common rule you took the position of, "No, I don't think I'm better than you, but I see the position of those who do think they're better than you", then Part I of this literary piece "not only "does not" apply to you, but Part II and III, IV, V, VI, VII, and so on, "doesn't either"..., You belong in another book titled " Non- Beneficial Doubts".
And this is exactly the kind of thing I will write about in this reading. Though I have butted heads, so-to-speak, with alot of dignitaries over the pathes Iv'e taken throughout the years, I have also shaken the hands of those men and women who, because my ways had no effect on their immediate "corner of the world", (I.E.) family, friends, other people of interests; thus, "I'm grown-up enough to still be your friend regardless of your past, and let others know my position on it as well, chose to remain my friend as, did I-them! And they are to this day some of my best friends!
When people are of this calliber, quality, they have a "measuring rod" ,to use terms of obvious misgivings as well as loyal relationships, that without measure, but absolute truth, will "alert them to the runway and save them the trouble of turbulence on the plane"! Their standard is known by me, like my standards are known by them. In this transparency exists an: "Ok! Now we can move on past the worry and expectations that would attempt to normalize any other type of relationship"!

Letter III

How does it feel to be asked a question that the asker can't possibly no the answer to themselves? To stare into the eyes of a someone who sometimes,(innocently), tries to dig every sophisticated word they can remember out of their hat tricks to ask you what, otherwise, would have been answered with truth and dignity! Now you're obligated to dig into your literary bag of goods to give an: "complex, drawn out, you're not going to remember half of this answer," kind of answer because you are going to show them, that smart-ass S.O.B.! In-short: one good question deserves one good answer! But, do you see my point!
Should you ever have to ask someone something pertaining to their character, make sure it's your question, one that you, yourself, could answer if asked of you! The motive behind it is usually what I call a "Hidden Microphone" question because the question is more sophisticated than the person asking it! A real note applies to someone trying to be more intellectual than their personalities would allow. And the sad thing is, it's only visible to you or someone in the room empathetic to your cause; the person interested has no idea they're "undercover agenda" has lots of "abovethecover" obviousness, and that is the alarm that gives away the traitor; although, if you don't let 'em know of their foolishness at the time, they will return another day as if nothing happened, though with a keener since of "I'm-not-so- sophisticated" failure! They will never wonder why they feel that way because the person that they are don't allow for notice of self, especially should the person care to change some things about themselves, even though the question was meant to "build self up"! Go figure!


Letter IV

Where is the gain in making a statement with a question. One of the best speeches I ever witnessed was one by Ronald Reagan, speaking in a Candiditial Speech in California for the 35th President of the U.S., John F. Kennedy. On opening, Mr Reagan asked, "Where will we be 40 years from today"? , and planted the seed of foresight in the public mind. And, (by the way, being
here 40 years later, Reagan's speech was prophetic)! In asking that question he either minimumly-opened a train of thought, maximumly did so, or suggested that: "Even though this President and I may not be here 40 years from now, our candidate will work hard to insure that your children, your children's children and even beyond, can rest knowing that this 35th President is not stuck on the past, complacent in the present, but is transfixed on the future of this country by our generations to come!" If this is an example of a "statement made by asking a question" then oh how that statement was made!
However, and obviously, the task at hand to be impressive about carried alot of weight; delivered by a famous actor and political activist, Ronald Reagan; it resonated all the way back to President Kennedy's grave and beyond.
By the way: Should you stand with one foot in yesterday and one foot in tomorrow, you will piss all over today!!!!
Letter V

What do you see when you see anything that is profound, beyond a shadow of a doubt? The correct answer is", Depends on which onlooker titled it profound. Let's say you see a small boy in a gymnasium full of toy trains and bicycles and ice cream and basketballs and footballs, and game stations and xboxes and clowns and Mickey Mouse; and this little boy is just sitting there staring in unbelief because, as he puts it, " I don't have anyone to play with!" Then as you leave you drive by a horse barn in the countryside and are obligated by curiosity to see what all the excitement is about there in the shedrow! And on arriving see another little boy just-a-shoveling horse poop out of the stalls
and the pile is already about 6 feet High, and you ask him why he's whistling dixie and smiling and having a pretty good time of it; and then he reads you and makes the comment " I know underneath all this horse poop somewhere there's a pony!"
Could you have seen the profound about those pictures, without asking a stupid question? It would have been unlike you as a kid to find the poney in all that horse manure, so what would you have noticed in that that turned out so interesting...the crowd, the what?
You can't answer that because your imagination don't stretch that far with the differences between pessimism
and optimism. Besides, I made it up and it turned out to make a loud point about attitude! Where does your problemsolver lie..between your ears or in your need to know?
I'll give you a hint using me: if it's in my"need to know" I must first be on a "need to know relationship" with whomever supplies me the information!

Letter VI
Now that we are intellectually innertwined, dance good together so-to-speak, it must be understood that not all will ever agree on any one thing at the same time, rendering us separated at the hip. We must all shoot from the hip, another so-to-speak, in order to catch the same angle bullet fired at us, that we know what kind of shooter it might be. Where's that bullet coming from? And it's a good metaphorical example for the sake of dodging bullets...that we stay alive...or in the literal sense...that we not jumble our minds with trash, or stray rhetoric. Like healthy food and unhealthy food, only the educated know which is which. And that should be common sense, or a dud! In the meadows of our mind we ponder the terrace, wondering why such care is taken to the heilacle effect in it's downward spiral...why can't it be this way or that? The whole point of the engineering is to supply ease to the farmer for the caring-of his/her crops without the headache of figuring out wind habits and rain drainage at the same time. It'
s interesting to note that sooner or later the farmer understands it better than does the engineer who designed it, for the amount of time around it vs. the amount of time spent doing the math.
In other words, the knowledge found its true source in the end. That's not to say," the engineer should have been a farmer, but the latter...the farmer should have been the engineer, and the engineer have another place in science!
The way it all unfolds is this: the dirt thanks the man; the man thanks God who in turn supplies the seed, where the seed dies in the ground to give fruit to the harvest, and the harvest causes the people to be glad, and the glad people sell it to the busy people in big cities, and they inturn hire others to do other work because everyone is blessed by a few. There is no blessing in a lot because of waste...but by a few many will strive to cater to the entire world. And ass long as the bad is gleaned from the good, the good shall flourish, yet in dew season the good shall fall away as did the premature death and dying of the bad. Old things pass away that new things come!! Perpetual in its state; final in its end! Everything's destination..fate! And our lives are not centered around fate, but in conjunction with!

Ken R. Knight

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