

From Ashes to Life
As I gazed upon the beautiful stream in front of me - thoughts flowing just like the water - I was brought to a time where all I could see were ashes and broken dreams; A disaster. The destruction from my past quickly crept up on me from behind and the bridges I had burned came vividly to life in my mind. Like the victim in a horror movie trying desparately to escape from her demise, but there was no escaping it; All I could do was cry. Thoughts and feelings overwhelmed me and took me on a terrifying adventure through my past; it all caught up to me way too fast. Flames began dancing in my mind; Buildings crumbling and a putrid smell I vaguely remember filled my nostrils - Unpleasant and unkind. The smell of destruction, the appearance of death, the feelings of hatred combined with an overwhelming feeling of self loathing - had all taken away my breath.
In the depths of my despair I desperately searched for a knight in shining armor - The pain, the neverending ache in my soul and the loneliness I harboured - That rescue didn't come. Surrounded by imperfect people everywhere I turned - those who still had urges to burn bridges and those whose bridges had already burned. The wages of sin is death - but I digressed... Death would surely come quickly to people like us, the ones who made mistakes or had denied Jesus. Hell and burning for all eternity was the fate I expected would soon befall me. Thoughts of leaving this world erupted in my mind how long until I chose to leave the world behind?
Then bursting forth from the pit of my despair, a voice I heard that was quiet, bold and fair. Hold on to the promises, Be still and know I am God, when you're going through the F.O.G. - Focus on God. These words held true and they lifted me up, this was the knight and he was filling my cup! This cup had run dry from all the tears I had cried; This knight was my King and he was on my side. He carried my burdens, pulled me from the dust. He showed me how to live and that I must. Light shone above me and was no longer flames, replaced with the light of grace and it took all my shame. He helped me to repair the bridges that I had once burned. Then showed me how much I still needed to learn. He patched the cracks in the buildings of my faith and now I'm surrounded by His loving embrace.
Taken back to the stream - thoughts flowing like the water - I am filled with new dreams; My fears He will conquer. With my King leading the way, every day is a blessing. The chance to start anew and no more stressing. I gave it all to God and try hard not to take it back. He gives me gentle reminders when I start to slack. I never would've thought that my life could change, nor did I think it could be completely rearranged. The pieces of the puzzle keep falling into place; I hope you enjoyed my story about His Amazing Grace.

May God greatly bless all those who read this to the very end 🙏✝️ I pray God's amazing grace touches your lives as it has touched mine. In Jesus' name I pray - AMEN.

© Just🩵Jenn