

(Before starting, I would like to clear one thing that all my chapters are not yet edited so you will find mistakes here. I'll be editing at the end of the story. Thank you so much for reading it.)

Always pity the thinkers,

for they are cursed with their own


"What? What did you say?"

"Me? I said nothing. Nothing at all." He gestured to himself saying this.

I just turned my head away and continued showing him around.
He kept on irritating me with his stupid comments like," oh, yeah, sure you know better." Or " oh, yes, your highness."

He and his sarcasm. Ughh!

There was this one time, I tripped on my foot and was about to fall face first on the floor but thankfully two strong arms caught me in time, unfortunately...well maybe a bit fortunately, those arms belonged to Mr.Smile.
But this time, he was not smiling. He looked truly concerned for me.
"You never walk carefully. How many times I told you to not try to walk fast in heels?"


"No buts. You.." it was as if he realised what was he saying and stopped.
I couldn't understand him.

"Let's go. I'll drop you off at your place." He said walking away.

I caught up to him and said, "it's alright. I can go by myself."

"I didn't ask you."

"You... listen...." I wasn't able to complete my sentence as I was dragged away to his car in the parking lot.

The car drive was silent. He looked deep in thought so I didn't disturb him.

We stopped in front of my apartment and stepped down. He came out too.
It was a little awkward.

"Thanks for the ride home." I said with a tight lipped smile on my face.

He looked straight ahead and nodded at me but I saw him stiffening when looked in front.

Following his gaze, I saw that Xander was standing there looking at us.

He came forward and stood before us.
His jaw was clenched. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards himself. Due to my short height, I collided with his hard , muscled chest. It was so hard but yet warm at the same time.

I was so lost that I didn't hear Lucas saying," I came to drop Ms.Williams off. I'll go now."
He turned around and got inside his car and drove away.
Xander kept looking till his car disappeared from sight.

He turned around and hugged me tight. His lips were grazing the skin of my left ear." Stay away from him." He whispered in his deep, husky voice.
I probably would have admired his voice and his lips on my skin if he didn't just order me.
Who is he to order me? Huh

I pulled myself away from him.
"You are no one to tell me that. And why should I stay away from him? "

"You are going to listen to me. And why should you stay away? That's not for you to know." His jaw was still clenched.

"And what were you doing with him. He isn't in college as far as I know. Is he...
.... your..." He added.

"My ...what?"

"Your. Your boyfriend?" He asked.

"What? No, ofcourse not. He's not my boyfriend. Besides, I would have already told you if I had one when we last met. Which reminds me, you still hadn't answered my question." I smile mischievously.

His eyes widening only a little told me he remembered that. He knew what I was asking about. Still chose to act innocent.

"What are you talking about? I don't remember anything."

"Oh, is that so? But I do. And I have no problem in repeating my question. Maybe, I should repeat in a louder tone so you won't forget it again, don't you think so?" I said putting my index finger on my chin as if I'm contemplated something very seriously.

He turned his head the other way. Then again looked back at me.
" No, I don't think so. Besides, I don't have much time. I'm here to pick you up. Badima asked me to."

"Oh, so you finally told her." I pursued my lips a little.

"About what?"

"About you being gay." I completed.
To be honest, I was enjoying this.
His reactions, no matter how small they were, I found them amusing.
I found I wanted to capture all his expressions.

His eyes which widened only a little before were now wide as saucers.
He composed himself, " I already told you I never had any partner. Which if your knowledge serves you better includes both male and female." He clarified.

"Hmm. Doesn't mean you aren't gay."

"I think I made myself pretty clear."

"No, I was saying that even if you did not have any before doesn't mean you won't have any in future too."

He just looked at me making me continue.
"I mean, you can be gay and might find the one, the guy for you in future."

"I do not think so. I'll be marrying you.
If you didn't forget that." He pointed out.

Damn, he was right.

"Naah, uh, how could I forget that" I nervously smiled.
Maybe Maria didn't tell him yet.

I remember my conversation with Maria this afternoon. I called her. I don't know why I called her instead of meeting but I couldn't just face her while telling her knowing I might be hurting her feelings.

Some hours before in the afternoon;

"Hello" I said on the phone.

"Yeah, Scarlett. How are you ?" Maria answered.

"I'm... good."

"Are you sure? You sound a little off. If there is any problem, you can tell me."

I took a deep breath. I can do this.
"Well, Maria. Actually you are right, I'm not good, I'm not feeling good. There's something I need to tell you."

"Uh...yes, I'm listening. What you want to tell me dear?"

"It's uh that...I ....I mean. Look, I didn't want to do this on phone but I don't know...just listen to me and please don't hate me, okay?" My voice trembled a bit.

"Okay. Okay. Tell me. Don't worry, I could never hate you. You are such a nice person. How can anyone ever hate you even?"

"There can be exceptions.
Anyway, that's not what I need to tell you.
It's that...I ...Icantmarryyourson."

I thought she wouldn't understand but she did surprisingly.
"And why is that my dear?" Her voice was shockingly certain.

I knew that I have to give her a reason.
And I did too.

"It's because my parents. They won't ever agree to this marriage."

"Why would they not?"

"Because...um... because Xander's not Indian."

"Oh,is that the only reason?" She asked.

"Yes. Yes. That is the only reason."
I was nervous. I didn't know what was going on in her mind.


"Just..just okay?"

"Yes. Okay. I know you wouldn't ever do something your parents wouldn't want you to do. And I completely respect that "

"Oh. Oh Kay then. Thanks for understanding Maria. I should go.
I'm late for my class."

"Yeah. You should go."

"Have a nice day Maria!
Take care."

"You too dear."

And then I hung up. I didn't know why but I was feeling .....what was it? Sad? Disappointed?

Why would I feel so?
Maybe she came to her senses and realized how unfit I was for Xander.
I know I wasn't of their status.
We both had completely different worlds.
I don't know why was I upset then.

Someone snapped their finger in front of me bringing me out of my reverie.

"Where'd you lost? I know you love to get lost all the time in that little head of yours but we need to get going." Xander said.

"Whatever, let's go." I said and gestured towards his car.

We were driving for about ten minutes when I decided to break the silence by putting in some music.
It was playing "A thousand years" by Christina Perri.

It was my favourite song. I loved it.
I loved it since the first time I heard it.
I felt so many emotions hearing it.
It made me want to fall in love.
To love someone do unconditionally, to cherish them forever.
Having that "forever", it made me want to have that.

But naah, someone doesn't like my happiness . And that someone is none other than Mr.Silencer aka Xander Knight.

"You're right. But why Mr. Silencer?" A deep voice asked beside me.

How did he know that?
Can he read minds?

"No, I cannot read minds." He said again.
He definitely did read my mind but how?

"No, I didn't read your mind. It's called common sense."

How can common sense read mind?
Is it something knew that j don't know?

"No, common sense also does not read minds." He answered again.

Wait ...what?
This time I didn't think anything.
I just furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Yiu said it out loud." He said.


"The Mr. Silencer part."

"Oh but the other things tha....."He cut me off.

"I guessed. You are actually really easy to read." He said looking in the front.

"Hey, Mr. Silencer. You do not know anything. I'm not easy to read." I defended.

"Oh, really?" He asked raising both of his eyebrows as if referring to what happened just now.

"That was common sense. As you said yourself." I said.

"Yeah , which you lack." He retorted back.

"I do not lack common sense or anything.
You are the one who lacks the ability of remembering things."

Thus time, he furrowed his brows at me.

"Oh, you do not remember?" I asked with a mock smile.

He just tilted his head to the side.

"Exactly what I said." I said with triumph.

"What do you want to say?" He finally asked.

"Oh dear, leave it.
Don't stress that pretty little head of yours." I said going to touch his hair but held my hand back at the last moment.

He gave me his famous glare.
Wait, I guess this one is reserved for me only. This "your too stupid so just shut your mouth "glare.

Wow! Such a good husband I'm gonna get.
Wait, I won't be getting any husband.
Which brings me back to the topic, maybe Maria called me because he wanted me to be there when he tells Xander about calling off the wedding.
But she is perfectly capable to do it herself.
Her arm is better now. She doesn't even wear that sling now.
Turns out doctor was pretty much scared and freaked out by Xander that he unnecessarily told to use sling when it wasn't at all needed in the first place.

We reached her house in a few minutes.
I went to open the door but Xander beat me to it. He has done this before too.
What is he trying to show, that Mr. Silencer is chivalrous too.

We both went inside. We were pretty surprised to see Maria standing near the door waiting for us.

"Hey Scarlett. I'm so happy you could come. Now you both act like you are in love." Saying this, she quickly put Xander's hand on my waist and went inside smiling.

What... What just happened?
© Asterin

hey guys!
I hope you all like this.
Thank you so much for reading my story.
Take care!