

Mystified Love Of August (ch#1) continue
someone enters again in the cafe but at this time no one came to the cafe usually so i became curious that who's that now. And their come another handsome man in a white paint shirt, his veins is showing on his hands ohh i love that. He get close to us and then sit in front of me. Well, actually, he was my Crush from high school but we never get to talk much and suddenly he came and sit in front of me. I am feeling like my heart will stop beating, he is so handsome and his veins OH MY GOD! why is he sit in our table.
"Alessia, can i ask you for a favor?" he speaks suddenly.
I got shocked and nervous at the same time like what's the favor that he needs from me because he used to be a perfect guy in high school, topper of his class and he mostly likes to read books on reality not like me who is crazy in love with fiction books.
"No, you can't, Mr.zain." Alex says to him.
I got frustrated by him like how can he reply to him, he ruin everything.
"he is just kidding, forget him and ask me whatever you want." i said to zain by shutting down Alex's mouth while pinching him.
"I need you." he replied by facing his face to me and looking straight into my eyes, i wonder what's happening to me today why Everything is weird.
" I mean i need your help in my assignment. can you please help me in writing a fictional story. it's too hard for me as i never read these kinds of books but i heard that you read them a lot." zain again look into my eyes his hands were on his knees.
"yeah! i love them, i will help you write it"
Alex looks at me with anger and jealousy because i am giving Zain more importance then him but in actual i just wanted to help him nothing more.
"Can you please go and do your work? can't you see we have to work."
I look at Alex and he give me a fierce look like he is going to do something big.
He stand up and walk to the door and then stop their. he turned his face towards me and then walk out of the cafe.
"here; i have already written a draft, please help me make it look good. I know no one can help me in this better than you."
zain stand up and sit beside me, i become a little nervous again as he was my crush. I look at his face and then at his draft.
"wow! it's amazing." i was shocked after reading his draft, it was very well written even of it's just a little story for his assignment but it was very creative. I feel a little bit embarrassed that he writes much better than me even though he never read fiction.
"I don't it needs any kind of changes, you are perfect."
i just realized what i said and my voice got shattered,
"i mean your story is perfect, not you offcourse."
oh no! what did i just said again, why ami i saying crazy words again and again,
"No, i mean you are perfect too, Ahhhhhh! forget it, I'm sorry." my voice was continuously shattering and he was continuously looking at my face while i was talking. And then suddenly he smile at me.
"Thanks for the compliment." he says.
he look at his watch his hands were so good i couldn't stop starring at him. he look at me again.
"i gotta go, thanks for the help today. we will meet soon, have a nice day Alessia." he says and then go out from the cafe. And i was continuously looking at him going out and thinking about the way he called my name; A_L_E_S_S_I_A. it was so cool.

© Soul🥀