

A generation that is lost in the fog.....
The generation born after 2000 seems to be a generation of lost teens. A generation who have had more resources than anyone before them. A generation cared like pearls in the ocean. Still they are so lost, lost in their virtual world. Where they have lost the sense of distinguishing between what is real and what is not. A generation who believes in reels, followers, influencers, all this useless hype. And guess what, a generation that believes in using a trial and error approach in everything, even in their relations. A generation which is so full from the outside but so hollow from within. A generation of dating apps, and bla bla stuff. Humans are not things to be tried like clothes and relationships are not joke that you forge online. A generation with most cases of depression, even a 13 year old child would be found depressed over useless things. A generation that can create issues out of thin air.
I don't know where did we go wrong with them.

© Gauri_Anira