

Ends In Aid Season 2 Finale
(Voiced By Samson)
Come on, when would i get out of This hospital bed?!.
Although, I've only been here for two to three days, I'm tired of this place.
Well, it's because this hospital is boring...very boring.
And the worst part of it is that there's no television in this hospital room.

I wonder how hard it is for the hospital to buy a television and keep it in this hospital room.
Well, i just hope that i don't have to stay here any longer.
Well, I'm just sitted on my bed, quite bored and being deprived of my right to work...
Then out of a sudden, i began to hear the sound of a knocking, coming from the door.
Thank God!....Finally, Ruth has come to visit me today.
Then i said "come in". Then the door is opened wide and i see my dad and not Ruth...honestly, I'm happy that he has come to visit me, his only son.
Then he walks closer to me and asked "how are you doing my son?".
I answered "I'm getting better".
He asked "son, what happened to you?".
I answered "i don't know dad".
He asked "wait, why did you say?...of course, you ought to know what happened to you that led you to this hospital for the first place...what happened to you, son?".
I answered "dad, i don't know".
He asked "wait, why do you keep on saying that you don't know?....of course, you ought to know what happened to you....weren't you in the situation?....why do you claim to not know what happened to you?".
I answered "well, dad, it's because i can't remember....All i do remember is that i closed from work for that day and i gave Ruth a goodbye hug and then i entered my car and drove away and then the next thing i can remember is that I'm waking up with pains in this hospital. But the doctor that is treating me told me that someone brought me here and that person told her that i was involved in an accident".
He replied "well, you're alive and that's what matters".
I said "yeah, you're right about that".
He replied "well, i want you to know that i didn't come alone...i came with something for you...well, it's not really for you...it's actually for your girlfriend, Ruth".
I asked "and what could that be?".
He answered "a ring". As he shows me the ring.
I confusingly asked "wait, what do you mean by this, dad?".
He answered "son, i want you to propose to Ruth today".
I replied "but dad, this is the wrong time....I'm in the hospital".
He said "and that's even perfect...she will really get to value you....seeing that you almost lost your life".
I replied "but dad, isn't it too soon?".
He said "son, time is wasting...we ain't got time to waste anymore...you've got to propose to Ruth today".
I replied "but dad, how am i sure that she even loves me to the point of marriage".
He said "of course, she does...especially now that she's in the hospital".
I replied "but dad, it's really too soon...i think that you should exercise alittle patience...".
He said "wait, do you really think I've got time to waste in being patient here, eh?".
I replied "come on, dad, you've got to understand that Ruth was forced by her dad to even be my girlfriend for the first place. Dad, she didn't love me on the onset...she was only with me because of you two's contract. I need time to make her really love me. I don't want a situation where she'll marry someone that she doesn't love and she'll be unhappy the rest of her live. I want her to be happy with me...that's why I'm begging for some more time to make that happen".
He said "son, I've heard you but doesn't mean that you're not gonna propose to Ruth today".
I replied "come on, dad, how am i gonna explain to you that this is not the right time for this at all".
He said "see, i don't care if you think it's not the right time...you are gonna take this ring and propose to Ruth today".
I replied "dad, you're forcing me".
He said "so?".
I replied "hmmm, dad, I'm not ready".
He said "take this ring already".
As i looked at my dad and he looked me then i said "dad, i can't do this to Ruth...this relationship i have with Ruth can't be on the basis of force....it has to be on the basis of love".
He replied "i understand your point but this has got to happen today...if you don't want to do it for yourself...atleast do it for me and my dream, okay?".
I answered "okay, dad....I'll do it....give me the ring".
He replied "now you're talking". As i carried my phone and i began to call Ruth who finally answered my call.
I said "hey, Ruth...how are you doing?".
Ruth replied "I'm doing fine. What about you?".
I answered "I'm doing great".
Ruth replied "well, that's good to hear...i hope you are not bored over there?".
I said "yeah, this place is so boring that i need to see you now".
Ruth replied "now?...but I'm busy right now...I'm working you know".
I said "i understand but can you just pause whatever you're doing and come and see me....i promise i won't take too much of your time".
Ruth replied "well, how about i come meet you after work today".
I said "Ruth, you've got to come now".
Ruth replied "why?...".
I answered "i want to see you immediately".
Ruth replied "which ain't urgent".
I said "please, do this for me...just come...i won't take much of your time".
Ruth asked "you sure?".
I answered "yeah, I'm sure".
Ruth replied "okay, I'm coming but i won't take more than ten minutes there".
I said "i understand....goodbye...see you soon". As i put off the call.
Then i looked at my dad and said "she's coming".
He replied "that's good...take the ring and propose to her".
I said "no problem, dad...but i really don't like this". As i collected the ring.
He replied "don't worry, son. You'll thank me later...I've got to go...call me later when you have successfully accomplished this mission".
I said "okay, dad". As i watch my dad walk out of my hospital room.
Then Twenty minutes later, the door is opened wide and Ruth walks into my room.
Well, I had already hid the ring.
She smiles as she sees me and she finally hugs me and then she asked "so, what is it?...eh?".
I answered "you're beautiful as always".
She replied "see, you're making me waste my fuel in coming all the way here just for you to see me and say something that i don't need to hear because already my God has said that I'm wonderfully and fearfully made by him...i don't need your own interpretation of the truth".
I asked "wait, Ruth, are you angry with me?".
Ruth answered "of course not..I've got no reason to be angry with you....well, i don't just like the fact that I'm wasting fuel because I'm spending my money on it".
I replied "see, who's complaining about money and fuel...Ruth, have you forgotten that you're rich".
Ruth said "that doesn't mean that i won't learn how to manage my wealth....i shall never get intoxicated with wealth".
I replied "and that's good....i like that".
Ruth said "okay...well, I've got to go".
I replied "please, don't go yet".
Ruth asked "and why shouldn't i go now?".
I answered "well, because i like to ask you a question".
Ruth asked "and what is that question?".
I asked "Ruth, please, would you marry me?".
Ruth asked "you're kidding, right?....you're joking, right?".
I answered "no, I'm not....I'm serious right now". As i bring out the ring and showed it to her.
Ruth asked "why the rush?...can't we be patient enough....we really don't need to be engaged today....you know that, right?".
I answered "i know but please...Ruth, please, accept me...please, do it for your dad".
Ruth replied "okay...fine, you can put the ring on me but that doesn't make me any happy".
I said "thank you dear". As i put the ring inside her finger.
Ruth replied "i wish we can just be friends and not the couple that we made to be".
As i became speechless and i just watched her walk out of my room with the ring in her finger.
She didn't show any sign of happiness or laughter and i don't like that.
(Voiced By Susan)
Well, it's evening...the birthday party is really going great...it seems more than half of the school chose to attend Jane's birthday party....well, that's nice...kinda makes Jane feel important and more happy.
Loud Music is on....it's Gospel Music...titled Your Great Name by Todd Dulaney and everyone is dancing and literally praising God together.
It's really an awesome experience here.
Well, no secular music shall be played in this birthday party because we are all Christians and we are not of this world. For we are born of God and we are a New Creation.
We believe in God and we know that God created us to praise Him only.
So, let's praise some more, yeah!.
As i started dancing, Jane approaches me and asked " Susie, where is Ken?...I've not seen him".
I answered "i understand...he's also your friend...he's supposed to be here, celebrating with you".
Jane replied "yeah, but I've not seen him".
I said "he is supposed to be here. Don't worry, let me call him and find out why he's not here".
Jane replied "okay...hmm, let me go to the cafeteria and check for my phone...i think i dropped it there".
I confusingly asked "how come?".
Jane answered "well, you know that I've been busy with all of this birthday party preparation that i forgot that i left my phone in the cafeteria....you know I've been moving here and there, trying to get this and that done".
I replied "well, i think you should just rest....you're stressing yourself out...you really don't have to do everything by yourself...i mean you were carrying packets of can Malt from the cafeteria by yourself".
Jane said "well, it's my birthday party...I've got to do everything".
I replied "well, that's why it's your birthday party...you're the celebrant here....you're not supposed to be all sweating and stressed out....you're supposed to chill out and enjoy your birthday party and besides what are we here for?...isn't it not help you by handling all of the stress and celebrating you....you ought to have a good time not us".
Jane said "i understand but I'm not complaining...I'm fine really and I'm enjoying myself".
I asked "are you sure?".
Jane answered "of course, I'm sure. Just call ken already....I'll be at the cafeteria".
I replied "okay dear". As i watched her walk away from my presence.
Then i carried my phone from my purse and i called Ken then Ken answered my call.
I said "hello, ken, what's up".
As i heard ken sadly replied "good evening Susie".
I asked "wait, Ken, are you still depressed?".
Ken answered "my mum is still unconscious and things doesn't seem to be getting any better".
I asked "you've been crying today, haven't you?....you're sounding like you've been crying today".
Ken answered "yeah....life ain't just fair".
I replied "see, let me tell you something, ken....you don't have to be overwhelmed by the situation....you've got to learn to see a reason to be happy and rejoice...you can't keep on living life sad, depressed and broken...you shouldn't be dominated by life".
Ken said "Susie, my mum is unconscious in the hospital".
I replied "atleast she's still alive, isn't she?".
Ken replied "yeah, you're right about that".
I said "so, that means you still got hope...you can rejoice and thank God in advance for healing your mother".
Ken replied "it's not that easy to deny what i see".
I said "i understand....Ken, please, cheer up alittle...please, do it for me. I don't like to hear these sad words of yours....it really breaks my heart...eh".
Ken replied "you're not serious"
I said "of course, I'm serious. As your best friend i want you to be happy and i need you to know that I'm praying for you".
Ken replied "thank you dear".
I asked "well, I'm at Jane's birthday party right now....things are really going great here...would you like to come?".
Ken answered "I'm sorry but i can't come".
As i began singing the song that is being played in the hall "king Jesus...no other name....King Jesus...none stronger...when we call on your name...things changes...when we call on your name....There is power in the name of Jesus...So much power in His name".
Ken replied "thank you dear..it has really encouraged me".
I asked "are you sure you don't want to come and have here?".
Ken answered "i can't....I'm in the hospital with my mama...I've got to watch her...what if she finally wakes up while I'm having fun with you over there".
I replied "excuses....well, since you don't want to come....i won't force you".
Ken said "thank you...and see you next week monday and hmm, greet Jane for me and tell her happy birthday for me".
I replied "no problem...let me go and meet her now....goodbye ken".
Ken said "goodbye dear". As i put off the call and i walked to the cafeteria.
As i entered the cafeteria which was supposed to be empty with no one inside at this time except Jane who went to get her phone.
So, i walked into the cafeteria with that thought in my mind.
As i was walking inside the cafeteria, i saw Jane on the ground with blood all over the ground around her....i immediately ran to Jane on the ground.
As i said "Jane, jane, Jane...oh my God!...who did this to you...jane please wake up...please...(as i was trying to revive her...for her neck was sliced with a knife and her blood was all over her)...jane, please, don't die on me...please...".
As tears began to pour out of my eyes then out of a sudden someone came from behind and held my neck tightly.
And i tried to struggle to be free from the person's strong hand and the next thing i knew was that the person struck my head with a strong something that knocked me to the ground and i became unconscious.
Few minutes later, i woke up slowly with a terrible headache and then i saw myself in a van with a masked man.
Then out of a sudden, the van stopped and the masked man forced me out of the van and the masked man dragged me into a warehouse while i was screaming and crying and begging "please, leave me alone!"
The masked man dragged me into the warehouse and finally opened a particular room and threw me inside the room and then the masked man immediately locked the door and then i turned my face and i saw Ngozi sitted on the ground and crying....then i quickly moved to Ngozi and i hugged her.
With tears in both our eyes, i said "We are Never Alone....God loves us so much...God will never leave us or forsake us...For our God will rescue us from the hands of evil men...".

© Daydawn