

An Untold Story ( Chapter one)

Like her usual days, she was doing her activities as she always does. let me tell you Shaina is a very active person, an independent soul who loves her job and had been into trekking and dancing. Her life had always been full of adventure. It was mid of November when she planned to go for a long vacation after her regular hectic office work. Recently, in September she had just come back from some expedition (a Twenty-one Thousand ft Mountain expedition ). The girl was all set to go for a long leave. Just Five days before her leave started, she went for her usual evening run. It was late evening 1800hours, as she had landed at some abandoned Church where she thought of going inside as she enters the gate she saw, a lady in a black dress watching her closely behind the fence and a man who was having a broom and was cleaning the verandah of the Church. She did notice the board where it was mentioned that it is open Every Wed Eight to Nine am and evening from Six pm to Seven pm and also it is open every Sat And Sundays. She thought maybe if it is Wednesday it must be open. As she enquired about the same, the lady spoke behind the fence that it is not open today and is closed for quite some time. She took some pictures of the Church and noticed that there were some graveyards behind the church. She felt something unusual and thought of going back. As she turned and went towards the gate the woman called her from behind and asked her.."You seem to be new to this place what is your name?"To which she replied, "I am Shaina and live nearby just saw the church and came inside". She left the place and went back home. That night she started her packing and went back to sleep. She saw something very bad in her dream, " There was some party going on in her house, as she had already planned for her leave ( in real) and was imagining the same scenario, she is wearing a dress and is watching herself in the dream and suddenly she had collapsed", she just woke up and saw herself if she is fine. Her dream was very real to her and so she was a bit panicked. However, she went back to sleep and as on her usual day, she started her normal routine. There was one grand party just a day before she went on leave so she thought of enjoying it thoroughly. She danced and had fun that night. Right at twelve o clock, she got a severe headache and her body started aching. She thought to drop the late party and go back to her room. She took some medicine and slept. The next day she felt a bit fine and went to the railway station to catch her train. As she was on her way she felt as if she got cold and coughed as there was a continuous tear in her eyes and she was feeling the blurry image of whatever she was watching. She thought maybe it is because of the cold. She just thought of reaching her Sister's house so that she reaches there safely and sees a doctor.

The journey from the railway station to the destination was another epic story.
As she moved inside the ticket she was having had a seat no which she had seen before. As she was already not in the possession of watching anything she just ensured that she is sitting in the right coach. She takes her seat and the train started. Meanwhile, one chap comes and tells her that the seat belongs to him. She was sure the seat is right and had got the right ticket. But she could not see what is written on the ticket as her visibility was not clear. She gave the ticket to her co-passenger and asked them to read the ticket. The seat was right.. but the ticket was for another month. They thought to resolve it with TT once he comes. The problem with her was if the TT won't allow her then she has to take another train for which she had no energy left. TT came and checked the ticket. Shaina asked him and requested if he can allow her to change the seat and get a new one. Her fever was getting high and so was her body falling weak as the hour was running. But, TT told her Sorry, but there is no ticket available for her on the train. She was told to wait near the door and TT said from the next station you may catch another train as this will be too long for you to travel 6 hours will be a lot for you to stand here and reach. She felt helpless and was crying inside. The station arrived and her bag was dropped at the station. She sat on a bench trying to see the way out and if she can convey it to someone. She was approached by a man and he asked her, what is the issue he has been noticing for the past few minutes. She told him, " Sir, I am not well and I have to reach Mumbai, my ticket was for another date and So TT did not allow me to travel on this train. Can you please help me as I am new to this place". The gentleman replied, "Don't worry ma'am will see the case". He got her a new ticket and a doctor who was in the station only. The strange thing was Shaina's body temperature was normal but she was feeling weak inside, the doctor gave her some medicine and asked her to rest. Her next train was 1 hour late so she decided to stay on the same bench and wait for the next train. Her luggage was with her. At that moment she was afraid that anyone can take advantage of her sickness and any incidence of theft can happen ( As Railway stations are more prone to such theft activities). But then she was safe. The train arrived and the Gentleman came to her got her seated in the coach and requested the TT to take care of her as she is not well. At that moment Shaina realised that "Humanity does exist". She thanked him and went to her destination. The journey felt like years meanwhile her body was weaker as she felt and was not able to speak. She reached and there was a driver who came to receive her. The moment she landed at her sister's house she was not able to walk. Her leg got weakened and so was her body. She was taken to the hospital where the doctor was unable to identify what the matter could be. She was given some medicine and asked to come again tomorrow. She went back to her room. As she went to the bathroom at 0300AM she collapsed in the bathroom. Her sister came and took her to the hospital. Shaina could feel that her body is not responding the way it used to she was admitted on an emergency basis. She was feeling that her breathing power is getting weaker and weaker. She was put under ventilation and then she closed her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes she saw, " Doctors are around her waiting for her to respond, she thought about what could have happened to her?? and as she thought of getting up and speaking she felt that her body is not working. Her entire body got paralyzed. She was completely dead in the bed with no potential to stand and speak up. She was in ventilation for Thirty Three Days. And the journey she had in those Thirty-three Days is another chapter altogether.

we will catch that in Chapter 2.
till then stay tuned

PS: Just don't forget that the Woman she saw in the black dress at Church has to be remembered the chapter 2

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