

tides of fate
the slayers are out sire .there searching for her body .my king catherine may be lost amidst the demon lakes .
there are no demons I'm afraid of that would keep me away from my beloved daughter .
she was with that man the day she left .
curse him that was my only daughter .she would be queen soon once I'm dead or retired .

the dead are still waiting for me as I leave this castle upon.hill.the mountains trench flows like water I must cross it again to return to my king.my brothers are all but lost fallen to deisease .
it was there plan to bring me here to this castle upon hill .there the dead walked and fell cursing my father for there beliefs ..
fools for thinking my father would damn them to this death beyond death .I know this is not true and will fight them if I must. a fate of swords cannot be unbroken or drowned in fire .
I sit reading this as I wait for horse an d reign in fallen castle courtyard .the kingdoms burn under his rule .witchammers marching the army of the dead.
I fear I may become under its spell mind controlled beyond belief .runes cast by lord draknar .the dark prince have nearly vanished .although his body has not been found .I leave trails of blood to be found .
November 1991

there the king under death walked like serpent in the dark .the dead haunted hills falling under foot .
and so he stood like in ddays long lost upon the hill.
graves shallows by rain stood underfoot .and they rose scratching in the dark .

the dead await me even. beyond death.i lay bound by chains in this darkened hell .
where would I be but in this darkened aabyss of the undead king .there he throws his victims .to fight me the lost god .he calls me for none other than my strength. he always has ..
the only thing that's kept me happy in this pit of hell is this sword .the destroyer .my enemies fell before it with severed limb and head .there I drink there blood ..

darkness....that's all that's left .my fathersits watching courtyard in wait for my beloved to return .catherine thebeatifull .she doesnt know I've returned from beyond mirrors .
there the wars bled and continued beyond locked doors .
I fear for her as i do now.


there I await the demon lakes .I must find my beloved .I've been locked in this hell for to long. it was hotter there burning my flesh and blood .skin felt as future at every touch .I had used all my strength to keep him from returning .the fires bleed.
a death is returning to the world.

November 2 1991
the trees whisper as the winds blow among them.them.i know the whispers are those of those trapped in the realm beyond mirrors .
I know its it's not to late for the mortal race .to live for more reasons than to be trapped in hell .we live forever if only people knew the army of the dead are people who couldn't stand to live any longer for some reasons it pain .
the pain is never too great of having you not here.if only you knew there is nothing there for you life is here. there the witchammers control you cursing you for you to live in torment for your own beliefs .
whatever you believe happens to you when you die.....I dont know .
fireshavefaded like crystal ..my fears of death leave mind .
I have wanted to long to see my father .his rule will never end .I know this .I aam his only daughter and will rule when he is gone .I hope that day never leaves .the world bleeds a crimson death..there I sleep among fallen leaves waiting listening with open eyes .
the day had fallen .

. november 3 1991

the fear is leaving .I know
my daughter is alive .I can feel her returning .darkness remain of the mortal realms.
the dead are killing eachother as well as my kingdom .castle wallscrumble into dark .how long must I wait till the undead king returns .this was his castle once. no one knows this but I.
I must find a way for this to remain so .king killus 111

november 3 1991

the killing of my fallen army must stop .the witchammers ring rising my brothers .I wear the armor of the undead kings it can kill you or bend you to its will .the magic metals within cause this .
a new dawn is arising among the realms.
how dare they call us evil .it is there ways which cause us to treat them so once theythey've chosen not to live any longer .when the pain Is to much to bare .
it was my wish to do this but I must .the army of dead are back now and I are one .I must find my beloved .and take her from her father .
never must we face crime when we know we've done nothing wrong .there predictitions were wrong .that is why we were punished they were lied to they were not there .
there must be a way to stop the punishing of innocents .
we could fight them they may changed there minds.
it may be the only way my king .maybe then theyll know we've done nothing wrong .it proves are innoceninnocence
but what if it proves I fear punishment. curse them.
you can kill them .
no I cannot they will only return and do far worse .there must be a way to change them.
a story can do that.
if I must scare them with the truth .I dont dare say the witchammers is true and we are immortal. they would find a way past its spell and .do far worse not fearing death.
once they know the truth there is no death then...
maybe some will arise from unmarkedgrave .warriors long lost or drifting from sight .forgotten .upon the seas.
there swords were buriedwiththem..different metal some to propel some to attract ..
I fear we must resurrect lords atreyus and his brothers arkyne .the other I cannot speack of he was tortured as a youth .name puts minds to eternal rest ..
they've been buried fo a reason
my undead king your army awaits