

Feminism shouldn't be, because men are physically stronger than women
I will answer my question, myself 😂…

So, someone a male once told me that, for him, feminism should be because men are physically stronger than women and what they can do, women can't do it! And I laughed out loud.
Most of the time when we speak about gender equality, or women’s rights men/ or people always turn to centre it around men’s physical strength, especially black men and that is so bad!

I'm a typical black woman, so I know what I'm talking about. 😉

Let me quote you one of that condescending post👇; .


*The exact post I was sent *

**“Feminist and gender equality fights shouldn't be for the high places and positions in society.**

**Gender equality means if I can lay a brick a woman should be able to do the same Lay bricks, and do hard labour unless the equality only aims for power (control the system)**
**But every feminist aims for the white colour and calls for gender equality” written by a man...”**

*Written by an African man *

*Hear this and hear this good!*

If equality was based on physical power or someone's ability to do hard labour, then “**Black Men would have been ruling the world**"... So be humble be it for white or black men!

More to these laying breaks or working at a construction site, being part of a military force, etc… is a choice and not an obligation for your information. Some ladies do that as well...


**Be humble my powerful men**...
Most of the time when we speak shallow minded men always bring up this topic of “natural physical strength" physical strength that was given to most males and maybe lesser females… But what they forget about is "**pregnancy**" which is also a natural thing given to women by nature. It's a form of strength and power.

The ability to carry and procreate younger offspring is a gift no man has ever had and will surely never have. So why is it that no one is talking about it as they should?

We carry these men for 9months of our short stay on earth, risk our lives, breastfeed them, nurture them, etc… just for them to grow and tell us how weak or significant we are…
Tell us! How we are nothing without them?
Do you men have an idea of how painful or how much strength is needed to carry a pregnancy for 9 months?

Do you all even realize that some women lose their life and beauty, hair, morphology, etc… that might matter to or be vital to them during this painful process?

Do you realize how painful breastfeeding, and taking care of a baby is?

For you, all is “Oh, it's not that hard, so far as a woman can do it then it's something very easy. Ourfore mother did ten times more than that. These women are just being too dramatic!”
For you, it's a joke, right?

But women are dying in this process like any soldier can die on a battlefield. So why don't we get the same honour and respect from our progeny?


Moreover, as civilised people, we can't use physical strength as a unit of measurement. We can't base measure superiority, supremacy, power, etc… based on masculine genitals as men want us to believe.

Neither can we measure that based on someone or a man’s ability to lay a brick, for crying out loud. This is simply because there are different forms of power such as; socio-economical power, political power, etc...
And all these forms of power don't only require physical strength. All these require different kinds of abilities that both genders can offer.


Last but not least,

Most often Men bring up their physical strength just as a form of “**Bullying**" Just to constantly remind us that they can always slap us in the face anytime they don't agree with what we are saying...

And that if they don't do so, it's not for the fact that we are equal, but just for the fact that “**He’s a good man!**”

And they expect us to be like ‘Wow! He’s able to retain himself and hasn't beaten her up, yet. Wow! That's so kind of him. We should clap for him because not all men can retain themselves from slapping his woman or a woman!”
And I'm just like; **LOL! **😆


Before I end, I think these men know are strength,-- how powerful we are/can be and that is intimidating to their fragile masculine ego... That is why they constantly have to intimidate us, — constantly remind us of our so-called “Place!” which according to them is to serve them.

That is why throughout history, — men have been bullying women with their so "called physical strength"
Because of men’s selfishness, this upcoming general of women will be so heartless, selfish, materialistic and more because something has been revived in the wrong way increasing this urge of wanting to seize their freedom unapologetically.
And you all know what that means, — chaos! Innocents will die! (Literally 🤲) 😉

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*** I END HERE***

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