

Hello Before I Begin To Explain This Statement I Based On Perspective And Perception That Shapes This Statement So Dont Judge This

Now To Begin The Question Is There Is Anything Can Define Truths? It May Be Describe As Logical And Empirical Value Of Something Or Someone Or May Be It Can Be
Seen As Definitive State Of Seing Something And Feel It Through Our Senses But There Is Anything Can Prove Truths Based On Truth?

And Perspective Came To Deeper Conclusion
That There Is No Absolute Truth When It Comes To Truth, The Reason Is The Truth We
See Is From Our Mind Created And Crafted It Based On What We See And What They Feel Through Sensory And Perspective And Perceptions Of Human So If The Mind Created It Based On What We See And Feel
There Is A Possibility Of Being Crafted It And
Create An Illusion Based On What We See And What We Feel The Human Only Created The Modern Things Based On Their Minds Now It

Contradicts The Last State That People On Created Based On What We See And What They Feel Now It Created By Human Mind?

Statement State Itself The Statement Says Alot
It Created Based On What We See And What They Feel It Is Based On Their Own Perception
And Perspective We All Know That People Exists With Own Values, And Exists Based On What Reason They See Through Their Culture, Beliefs, Morality, Religion That Shaped On Their Own Truths

Even This Statement Is Has It Own Truths
So It Came To The Unverifiable Reason That People Created Truths Based On Their Own Biases But I Want To Ask Myself If There Is No
Truth Why Science And All Scientific Branches
Has Systematical Nature Then I Dive Again Deeper But I Only See That Scienfic Branches
Is Based In Verifiable To The Eye Of Human And Have Effects To The Logical And Creative Mind Of Humans And People Again Created It based On Not They See But Based On Unified Truths On Others The Reason Human Is Unpredictable Manipolators On Their Own Mind So It Created Based On Good And Bad.

In The Next Story The Tittle Will Be Good And Bad But Before I Weave I Want To Leave You A Question " Is There Anything Truths Can Present Truths Based On Truths?"

© -John Edward Kenneth Parado