

The Force To Be Reckoned With!!!
Its weird how this story begins but I would never lie bout this and the reason why is it's me and my girl, and this means the world to us. So when you read this its all tru and no lies.
It started out as us both laying on the bed and we was talking I ended up passing out as we was talking and she was wide awake. I had a dream bout something I been dreaming my hole life. It starts out in the dream as one of us dead. But here is the thing I never seen her in any of my dreams before her face was blurred out and she went by 1022. Now say I was dead she would see me dead and the way I killed myself. Now she would have to kill her self to but she didnt know who I was just lime I didnt know who she was. Now we had to wait upstairs for the other to come. My job there was to go down stairs to a tree where I saw myself at 13 when that was the first time I tried to kill myself and 1022 she was 13 to. They pulled a book out the tree and shiwed me than I went back upstairs. They dont talk to me and I dont talk to them. They are there to protect the book. Now I'm in the bed thats at the hotel were at and she is there. For the first time ever in my dream there was a face on 1022. It was my girl Jenny. Now everytime before we would meet and are souls came out and went there way. I did this with no face on her 1,102 same as 1022. They was mad cuz we never got it right. Now are souls are gone we both killed are self for one another and didnt know why. Than we sat up there for hours talking and loving each other and not even knowing why. Now we half to be gone by a set time and we are to selfish to do it cuz were so in love and dont want to leave each other and we dont even know one another. Now heres the thing you got to be dead to be there. The big guy broke the rules. He told me to brimg something back and make her believe its real. Jenny's numbers are 1022 ome of her things is a healer. Now we go to this house ever time and I'm in a hospital bed and she always ask to lay down with me to heal us and we try it again tell we get it right. Here's the part where I dont lie and I mean this shit. I woke up legs in alot of pain couldn't walk she help me to the bathroom. We sat down and we talked a lil and I started to tell her bout the dream. She told me everything bout it what happen in detail from the walls everything.. Now you tell me how thats possible. She even remembered I had to bring something back. I grabbed to cigarette buts from the ashtray. They were old as fuck I mean they dont even make them no more period. I had them in my hand. Yes its tru all the way. So we looked up are numbers and what they meant. Well 422&1022 will never be they will never meet it cant be done. But if they do They will be the Force to be reckoned with. Well we made it happen. we choose devil numbers and thats what it is.. The two 13 year olds of us at the tree look so bright now but got the meanest look on there face ever like evil. pure evil.. my numbers in devil numbers are pure evil and love. Who ever wanted this to happen. Well they got to of the meanest and powerful two people ever, and we choose the devils side. My dad Lucifer really got his Force To Be Reckoned With. They say we can take out countries by are self. Yea that bad.. Now disrespect but when we go in front of them 3 when we die. God Jesus Lucifer.. Me and her are taking are rightful spots right by my dad and thays just how it is., I'm sry for that but he got us now and its what he needed to win a everlasting war. Dont believe me look up the numbers and see what it says and ik its hard to believe but its tru to the end.. Its not fully done cuz the book in the tree that are younger souls protect was meant for Jenny and she has to get that book from them.