

*Da Family*
isn't it funny how we tend to treat friends or strangers a whole lot better than we treat family?!?
We want our friends to think well of us,. We listen more attentively to casual acquaintances and we have more time for them than we do for our children or our parents!,.
Parents make daily sacrifices for us and we hardly give it a second thought.
On da other hand, small favours from friends or strangers become etched on our memory!,.
Have u ever invited complete strangers to dinner? Here's what happens...

U spend four hours shopping and u blow da entire weeks grocery budget,.
U take a whole afternoon to set da table with ur best silver and crockery,.
U borrow fancy glassware from da neighbours,.
U dig out da candles,. U serve a spectacular seafood banquet and u never see those people again!,.
NextWeek, Mom and Dad come over and they get leftovers... a chicken in a paper bag!

Perhaps we should turn it around SOMETIMES.
Save da Chicken and ice tea for Mom and Dad Or for ur Son and Sister and when friends or strangers come to dinner... Say, "Sorry about da chicken in da bag,. U should have been here last week, my family came over!",

#DaFamily #TheFamily