Forgotten Jew
Every year, we get together and we talk about The Holocaust, we remember those who died and those we lost. We talk about all the terrible things that happened and all the horrible things that the Nazi did in the concentration camps. We talk, we agrue and debate on whether or not it happened dispite all the evidence that says otherwise. We visit the memorials, the camps, we watch movie after movie about it, we read book after book about it, but I, a Jew can't help wonder, why my family story and why a certain country, certain group despite being an inspiration for Hitler and his twisted genecidal ways of thinking are left out of the conversation involving the Holocaust! What is ever worse, my family story is completely overshadowed by the Holocaust! Some Historians say that what happened to my family is worse than the Holocaust! Funny, really a majority of Jews who died during the Holocaust didn't even die in Germany! They died in Ukraine! Where my family is from, where Mila Kunas is from, yet nobody knows this. We are forgotten Jews, Germany gets all credit, while Ukraine and Russia are one the most anti-Semitic countries on the planet even to this day! Doubt history tells you that many Ukrainians helped rounded up Jews and supported the Nazi and many of the concentration camps uprising that happened in Ukraine or that most of the 6 million Jews in Holocaust Died in Ukraine not Germany. Realizing, I already said that above, what haven't said is my family story and my peoples' story those of us who lived in Ukraine, those of us who once were the main reason for why...