

The Dream of Death
It was a tough time for them. They didn't knew many died but will they die.

PRANJAL was missing so they declared him death. SUMIT thought of saying them but when he said,unbelievingly he was blamed for the deaths of the both. SUMIT got sad, but LOKESH was angry so he started fighting with SUMIT. EGUIEL,SAKIB and VISWAJIT tried to stop the fight, while stopping EGUIEL fall inside the tank and died. They all were truly sad because of Death. LOKESH thought of going home, VISWAJIT and SAKIB tried to stop him and forced him to stop but LOKESH didn't saw the stairs and rubbed and called,he died. The tank was full of cracks and the corners were most. SUMIT and VISWAJIT were talking and SAKIB was standing at the corner and suddenly it cracked, VISWAJIT gone to help him but he failed and he also falled and both of them died. SUMIT was shocked and remembered what happened is same as the dream.He was blaming himself, suddenly VISWAJIT'S phone ringed,it was his father. He picked and though what will he say. He cut the phone, threw it and returned to home. He took bath and slept. He couldn't sleep because there death was disturbing him.

DAY 4{The final day}
He wrote a letter and kept in his bed and went to that tank. He was missing his friends and blamed him self and jumped from there. He died.

In the letter it was written my family don't miss me I am no more and my friends are also no more. We are going for "THE JOURNEY TO HEAVEN"

Thank you.