

There are times in life when you feel rejected, down casted and forgotten. At this point all you think of is the negative aspect of life, the sad stories and the death sentences. It sometimes gets to a point when you just want to stop existing all of a sudden. Life is a garden with beautiful flowers, sharp thorns, sweet smelling petals and green grasses. There are times when you want to be around people and other times when you just want to be left alone. Times when you're extremely happy and times when you're very depressed. Always learn to take care of yourself and look up to God for everything. Things change, people leave and life doesn't stop for anybody. Stop breaking yourself for people who can't do a thing for you, stop pushing things that'll never work out, take your dignity and go, it's called self respect. Be there for the people who are there for you, showing kindness wherever you find yourself. Life is very short and the evil you do remains with you but the good you do comes back to you. If you ever have to let anybody change you, make sure it's for the best. If it ever gets too heavy, just lift you hands up and surrender it all to God.....