

Reply to the proposal
October 2020

Dear somebody,
I won’t mention your name so that I can publish this private letter; may be one day without ruining your identity.

I am writing this letter as a reply for your proposal, which you have sent me yesterday during conversation on an online massaging app. You may have wondered why I have chosen this method of communication by ignoring the dozens of easier one; I promise you’ll get the answer to this before the end of this letter.
If i am right, it’s been about 1 year we are being acquainted. I don’t remember any of good moment when you and I had face to face conversation more than just the requirement of our job. I have never been any personal with you and you neither; I suppose; it means you don’t know me personally, like I don’t know nothing personal about you; I might not have been proposed by you if you would have known me as I am ; not merely professionally.

Dear somebody now a day’s people are being lazier and lazier; they want magic in everything; they don’t want to spend times where they should; they want to get things done just in a click, swipe or a tap or I don’t know what. Choosing a partner; in my opinion is simulation of emotion; it’s about how do they response about each other’s emotion; it’s about how well they know each other and their emotions as well. Now people often believe in clicks, taps and texts; more appropriately “Very Short Text” which is actually a very deceiving; text can lie very easily and receiver can’t notice. Let’s pretend they don’t lie in text massage; let’s pretend; that’s all we could; the text we were playing was not deceiving; in this case too my lady; short-text and emogies can’t deliver the entire massage the way they should. Things I want to say to you is very long and important and something with deep meaning for which I must write, and write longer.

i always pretend to be very transparent and I swear you believed me; cause I have been the most truthful one at the innocent eyes of yours. At first I want to say sorry for making you believe in something which is not true. I remember once you have asked me about my relationship with somebody and I still remember how calmly and how innocently I have replied the fallacy saying that I am single. I know it’s not the big issue to have someone to fell in love with, but it’s very unethical to lie; and I lied. I lied cause she is invisible to whom I love. She is half of me. My dear somebody, only half of me is visible, now I want to show you my other half through this letter.

I remember that day when I was looking at you; looking at your face from the side of your compartment, in fact I was not observing any feminine beauty; I was not observing your work, actually I was fascinated by the small round curvature of your eyes from the side of your face; I still remember that moment; the highlight on your dark pupils were shining by the light from the window; that was beautiful. Soon after I noticed that you tilted your eyes along slight move of your head towards me; and you smiled at me. Your smile was clearer than the words. I was able to read your smile but I ignored it. My dear somebody i want to tell you the facts; only truth; and truth is “i was not looking at you”. It’s she; my other half; who was looking at you.
I have lived the quarter of my life; may be more, developing the habits which is very unusual for the people of these days. I lived more in fantasy than the reality. I tried to observe the world very uniquely. Especially from the last decades I’ve learned to be with the data and the facts which is indeed very boring and weird. Day by day I was fell in love with her and I didn’t notice. Now she is the half of me. Reading the old masters who are already dead; and applying their knowledge combining with my own wisdom now I am able to see the world clearer than ever before. People actually not seeing the world as it is; as I am seeing now. They are perceiving something different because of their own lack of knowledge; they often not see what their eyes told them to see rather they favour their own lack of knowledge.

I want to talk about the fact now. I want to be precise and I don’t want to make you read longer for which you are not habitual. Dear somebody only one thing is certain in our world; that is death. Death is the fact, no one can escape from it. It is weird to say that the death is the destiny of everyone even though one is not interested to reach there. We must prepare for this; so do I. At the day when I die I want to be in the room; at my own room; with the wall full of paintings and shelf full of books. And, on the floor of that very room, there will be me, sleeping; sleeping unconsciously; without any respiration; there will be my body not me. And at that particular moment I imagine; I will be holding a brush in my one hand and the diary on the other. Chances are that the brush will be wet and the diary will be unfinished, the book will my pillow and I will be covered in a blanket; that blanket will be a canvas with an unfinished painting.

I have a doubt my dear somebody; I have a doubt since death doesn’t ask permission; I have a doubt that there will be no brush neither a diary in my hand; I have a doubt that I will not get a chance to die in the room full of paintings and full of books; I have doubt that my destiny may not be as beautiful as i imagined.
Now I don’t want to trouble you any further. I want to give a reply to your proposal with some silly questions; I want to ask with you my lady:

Do you like my weirdness? , do you enjoy critiquing my paintings? , do you want to read the stories I have written over the rest of your life?, will you put the brush in my one hand and the diary on the other while i am sleeping unconsciously? , will you put the books below my head and will you cover me with my unfinished paintings when you have the chance? Now I just want to ask one simple question as a reply to your proposal; a counter question as a replacement of all of these; “will you marry me?”

Your Someone.
The Other half of me.

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