

GIFT, But For Someone else
Gift is mostly a happy word to the ears.
It can automatically lighten up the child in us.
To receive a gift is a happy task but to present it to someone is more difficult.
Cause u don't have the time for it....
U procastinate it....
Just lazy enough to ignore it .....
Waiting to receive the gift before presenting it....

Like that the list seems to go on.

To know what that person needs, wants and desires...... to be able to identify it..... to spend sometime looking for it..... and to finally gift it....... just makes your heart ache with fullness of emotion that is undesirable.

But to know what that person needs, you have to search it within thair hearts and it's a hell ofa difficult task set out right in front of you.

And by gifting, whether it be small or big, costly or not, beautiful or not..... u let them know that they r in your thoughts.... u care for them and love them.....
In this hectic desperate world...... your gift would become the beacon of light in their dead end days......

So...... good luck in finding thatttt gift 😉
© PS