

Zora The Mighty Warrior Part 3
“so how do we find out where the river is” Zora asked. “According to some ancient maps the river is situated in the Sewara Jungles but even if you know that it’s in the Sewara Jungle, still it’s close to impossible to find it as it is hidden from normal human eyesight due to the magical illusion” replies Molan. “I know there is some or the other way by which we can find the way to the river, please tell me Molan” Zora keeps his hand on Molan’s shoulder and asks him. Molan stays silent for few seconds and replies “ all right, there is one tree , it’s called a moving tree because the tree has life in it, it can move, thought it cannot move from one place to the other but the huge branches of the tree does not allow any one to reach even closer to it, if you somehow able to reach towards its leaves and manages to get some of them then you can drink the juice of the leaves as it is said that the juice of the leaves is magical, it increases the inner power of a human being 100 times it also makes the eyesight of the human being more powerful and it can help a person to look at things which a normal person cannot see, the effects of the juice remains for 100 days inside the body.” Molan replies. Hearing this both Zora and Tiana look at each other and smile. “ that’s great but where we can find this tree" Tiana asks with curiosity and excitement.
"unfortunately there are only 3- 4 trees of its kind That exist in this world. But luckily one of its kind is here in this jungle. But trust me till now whoever ever tried to reach near it ended up loosing his life as the tree does not allow anyone to reach near it as it knows very well that a person always comes to it with evil things in mind" replies Molan. “ we will try our best” Zora replies. Molan takes them to the tree, they look at the tree and find it normal just like any other tree but they do notice that the branches of the tree are very long. “My work is done now everything is up to you both" saying this Molan vanishes from there. Now Tiana and Zora both look at each other, “so who will go first towards the tree" asks Tiana. “of course me" Zora replies and he moves forward but Tiana holds his hand and stop him. “will go together” she replies and both smile at each other. Both move forward, Tiana from the left side and Zora from the right side. As they reach near the tree, all of a sudden two long branches of the tree, one from the left side and one from the right side comes forward and attacks both Tiana and Zora at one time and throws them far away. Tiana becomes unconscious. But Zora gets up and he shouts Tiana's name but she remains unconscious so Zora stands up and runs again towards the tree but again another branch of the tree comes forward and attacks Zora and throws him far away. This time Zora gets bit hurt. So this time he throws his sword towards the tree but the tree catches the sword with its branches, one from the right side and one from the left side and then it tries to break the sword, but the sword being strong it does not breaks, the tree tries hard to break it but later it gives up and throws the sword down.
Zora runs again and manages to get his sword but again the branch of the tree throws him far away, this time Zora badly gets effected. He gets up, he is badly wounded. “I will try to get close to you till my last breath as my intentions for coming close to you are not evil but my intentions are pure and to help others, no matter how many times you try to stop me I will still come to you" Zora shouts looking at the tree. All of a sudden silence appears and a sound comes out from the tree. “all these years people have only come to me with evil intentions, but you are the first person am seeing who is trying hard to come to me even when you are badly wounded, your act shows that you are pure and so I allow you to come towards me and you can take as many leaves as you want “ the tree replies. Hearing this Zora smiles with Joy and he goes to the tree and removes some leaves and thanks the tree. He goes to Tiana who is still unconscious, he wakes her up and tells her that he has got the leaves, she smiles with Joy too and both go back to Molan.
Looking at them Molan smiles. “I knew you both gonna make it as I know nothing is impossible for Zora" Hearing this Zora smiles. After few moments later the juice is ready, both Zora and Tiana drink it and after drinking it they feel the energy in their body also all the wounds they had got while fighting with the tree gets healed up magically. “ now our next destination is Sewara Jungles” Zora replies with a serious look on his face. “but I heard they are too far from here” Tiana replies. “but if you go by flying you will reach there within few hours" says Molan with a smile. “but how we are gonna fly" Zora asks. Molan tells them to take him to their horses. They reach there where they had kept their horses. Molan spells some magical words and turns the horses into some magical beings and to their surprise they see that their horses have wings now like birds to fly , two huge wings in both the sides of the horses. “from now on this will be a magical breed of horses whom I shall name Pegasus” Molan says with a smile. Both Zora and Tiana thanks Molan for his help and they both sit on their belonging horses and fly up in the sky. They cross many mountains and many seas with these horses and finally they reach to their destination The Sewara Jungles. They were still in the sky and looking all over. They were trying to see if they could see the river from the sky as now they had drank the juice of the moving tree so their eyesight was working 100 times more powerful then any normal human eyesight and they could see things that normal human can’t see. All of a sudden they see a big river in the Jungle, the water of the river was Shining and looking at it they could assume that it’s the magical river which they were looking for, so they take their horses down towards the river. They come down and take some water with them and now finally everything is done they head towards
Alasiana. Here in the Kingdom everyone are desperately waiting for them. Suddenly Arom comes running towards the King and tells him that he saw two creatures flying in the sky and they are heading towards their Kingdom. The king comes out of the castle to see what actually is flying in the sky but to all of their surprise it was Zora and Tiana with their new magical horses landing on the grounds of Alasiana Kingdom. Everyone seems surprised curious as well as happy seeing them. “what’s all this? How your horses got these wings" the King asks with curiosity as well as with a smile on his face. “don’t worry father we will tell everything, first let’s all go inside the castle" Tiana replies with a smile. Few minutes later Tiana and Zora tells everything to the King and the people in the castle about the incidents that took place when they went to meet Molan the sorcerer. “ Finally after a month I am hearing some good news for my Kingdom" the King said with a smile of relief. “so what we do now" Arom asks . “we have to wait till the creature comes back to take away a woman from the Kingdom, as we don’t know where is Kanisa staying, when the creature comes that time we will follow the creature and he himself will lead us to her, and now we have flying horses too so no worries" Zora replies with a smile of confidence.

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