

*PART 9*

(A High School Journey )

Seza was going through a difficult time. It was hard to forget the memories of Avisel, and she was feeling completely empty. Her first love in her life had become a nightmare. Day by day, she tried to remove Avisel from her life. Meanwhile, Arshana and Parav were having a good relationship. Whenever Seza saw them together, her heart missed Avisel. After a month, Seza was completely healed, and she promised herself not to fall in love again.
Seza was enjoying her school life with her friends (Arshana, Artav, Parav). It was their last year, so they were making the most of it to create memories to cherish in the future. Their studies' pressure increased day by day. Every morning, Seza went to coaching classes along with her friends. They used to call each other and meet at their designated spot before heading to class. Artav, Arshana, Parav, and Seza's friendship was invincible. Everyone was jealous of their friendship, but Artav had a different nature. He was flirty, arrogant, and greedy. Seza didn't like greedy people, so she disliked Artav, even though they were friends.
Artav was so flirty that he flirted with everyone, but no one could beat him in intelligence and studies. That's why many girls were diehard fans of him, and he was a favorite among the teachers. He was so stingy that whenever Seza asked for help with her studies, he would often deny her requests.
Artav's flirtatious behavior escalated. One day, Seza arrived early for her class, and when she entered, she saw Artav holding hands and flirting with a girl in her class. She felt disgusted by Artav's shameless behavior. She ignored him and moved to her desk. Artav came over and started talking to her, but she didn't bother to respond. Meanwhile, Artav noticed her indifference and threw his bag at her head. Seza got angry and used a slang term against him. Artav felt hurt and retreated to his desk, which was behind Seza. Their fights were a regular occurrence, lasting a maximum of 10 minutes, after which they would calm down and return to normal. Artav was such a jerk that Seza gave him the nickname "Chandaney," which often means gluttonous. Artav's nickname, courtesy of Seza, was more famous than his real name, and he would throw tantrums whenever others called him by it. Seza enjoyed those moments.
Seza was going through difficult times with a busy study schedule in her final year of school. She decided to deactivate all her social media accounts. During weekends, she passed her time reading novels or writing stories. Sometimes, she missed Avisel's conversations, and during those moments, she would read their old conversations that she had screenshotted and saved in her gallery. She would eventually distract herself with other activities.
Almost every subject's syllabus had been completed, and they had more free classes, usually just 2 or 3 classes. During these free classes, couples in the class would sit together, talking and enjoying their dating. Arshana and Parav were the cutest couple, the perfect example of love. Seza and Artav would make fun of the couples and engage in their own conversations. Seza often felt bored in class because no one had time to talk to her; everyone was busy with their love lives. Only Artav would keep her company. They would play with pens like kids and pass their days in class. Seza and Artav shared similarities in their thoughts and thinking, so they often shared them with each other. While the couples dated, they would talk and never have a serious conversation, as Artav would either make fun of Seza or tease her, and a playful fight would ensue. And so, the days passed by, with less time left to finish their schooling. Seza and Artav had become very close to each other, and pen fights and making fun of others were their best memories."