

Visiting the mamalfoys (Darry) episode 2
as soon as the bell rang everyone went to class the teacher was a bit late. looks like mr. talk to much is late said draco. harry smirked. few minutes later. MY food how long do we have to wait! said ron a boy with orange hair and blue eyes. idk said his friend. hello class sorry the teacher is sick anyway today we will be doing project I will be picking the partners said mrs. R. ok Ron with Sam pansy with Luna and luke with ray and finally Harry and draco said mrs. R. you and your partner will go to one of your houses said mrs. R. the bell soon rang. alright everyone GET OUT YA RATS said mrs. R. everyone soon ran outside. gosh never knew teachers were so harsh said harry. Draco laughed. so can we go to your house said harry. sure said draco after all we are going to be doing the project all summer said draco. right before mrs. R said get out she said you will do the project all Summer. yea that is true said harry a day passed it was the day that they were going home everyone packed everyone went to the train harry and draco sat together. I can't wait said harry. me neither said draco. TBC