

when ideas come to life
Have you ever thought about the future ? Not about your future per se but the future of the society you live in. Have you wondered how life could change decades or centuries from now? well, if you haven't, there is a whole genre of books and movies that could set your imagination racing about what the future could look like. welcome to science fiction.

Author's and Creator's of science fiction observe the current Pace of technology and science in the world at the current point in time and based on that, they think of what could be invented or evolve in the years to come. science fiction media almost always has us thinking about where the world is heading.

unlike the genre of fantasy where the plot involves elements that are completely unbelievable, science fiction stories contain entities that do not exist but could possibly be real someday in the future. Turn to the back flap to read about some science fiction conjectures that became reality .