

The Stories We Carry.
Everyone carry their own stories. The one which they hide from the world .The one they don't want anybody to know about because they know ppl will not understand them, nobody's can. They don't want ppl to see that wounded parts of them, their weaknesses ,fears , loss, triggers, pain and most importantly they don't want anybody's pity. Ppl can never understand the pain they have never suffered. They always blame you for how you deal with it .They always tell you that you're just over thinking about it but they have not seen or suffer what have you gone through ,they have never been in your shoes.
Ppl will judge you for not being positive by never thinking what makes you so negative and what have you suffered in your life that makes you think like that.
But No, they will not think any of these things they will just blame you and criticize you for over thinking, the way you deal with things, speaking negative and feeling hopeless.
They didn't know those things are changing you, damaging you mentally and physically they just blame you and judge you. And keep reminding you that you're over thinking by not even thinking that how deeply those words are affecting you and triggering you.
Then There's comes a phase in your life where you finally accept the fact that nobody will UNDERSTAND you and you're on your own.
This is the biggest reason why ppl prefer to suffer alone.They suffer their hardships alone by facing the world with a smiling face. A beautiful smile which beautifully hide the pain behind.
SMILE a beautiful enclosure of maze, mess and misery.
It has a great power of hiding emotions even when our body betrays us due to anxiety our smile don't
They became so good in hiding it. They don't let them know that they are dealing with a storm inside them.
They are not as calm as they pretend to be.
They are actually dying to live while living and secretly wishing to be dead.
because the stories they carry, they were eating them alive and like a slow poison to their souls.The Stories that haunt them every minute, that snatches their peace, that don't let them sleep. Stories they can't forget which engrave in their minds. The stories which carries grief, sorrow, pain and silence of screams. Because some memories never fade they never leave your bones. You will carry them with you always like a Salt in a sea.
Forever, untill YOU become a MEMORY.
That's why ppl say:" word forever is only for the memories."
The weight of the memories is the heaviest thing a person can ever carry.
2:06 am
Thu, Dec 7

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