

To You And I Who only knows...
I don't have a broken dad because he's no more
But I have an uncle who's broken
I don't know the pain they feel but it hurts to see them in pain
Making an oath
Breaking the odds
To whom have I seen
A story became a poem
The deers seems to flew away
Right in front of my eyes
And a fish drowned right inside the icy water
They never say that a fish cannot be drown
Nor a deer that can fly away
A butterfly losing its beauty to fly
Only knows how painful it is
To lose a beloved one
Only you and I
Know this story became a poem
Leaving a line or a sentence
Abandoned in the alley or any street
Wher there's only strangers who can give you a piece of bread
It's been so long my friend
that you and I know this story became a poem ,to the people who'll never know why
and will never no what a pain is
to lose a poem to a story and become a part of the story
to you and I
to us and I
to the poem who lose to the story
and to the story who became a poem
so you and I only knows why the story became a poem when the poem lose
So you will never know how hard it is to lose a beloved one
To you and I
who only knows why the story became a poem.

© vam