

say no to yoga
what is yoga
yoga is a powerful natural state.that can inspire.yoga is not about touching your toes.it is about unlocking your ideas.
Yoga started 6000 years ago in Hindu religion .yoga is a state of worship in hinduism.Yoga is a Practice to Strengthen Body, Mind and Soul .The three paths of yoga are mentioned in the Bhagavat Gita.
1.Karm Yoga
2.Bhagti Yoga
3.Giyan yoga
one who does yoga is called a yogi .
In China
many Chinese Do Not Consider Spiritual Belief And Not Feel That they must Practice Any One Of Them. China is considered a home to Humanism and secularism.Islam and Christianity Arrived in China in 7th Century .National Survey Conduct in early Century Estimated that Some 80%Percent of Population of China Practice Some Kind of Folk Religion ,41.58 are buddhist,10% are christian and 3.83% are muslim.
Baba Haridas Was Teacher...