

It's easier to correct a mistake on a word processor than in real life situations
Oh no! I have made yet another mistake, when will I complete this piece or ever stop making mistakes. I've been typing this document for about an hour now, a one-paged document to be precised. As I hit the backspace button once again, my I.T instructor came over to where I was and stared at me with fury in his eyes. He was obviously angry at me, who wouldn't be? He has taught me this single process in MS Word countless times, Infact that has been the only lesson I've taken for two weeks now.
He stared at me long in the eyes and I knew at that instant that he wasn't ready to correct me this time, I wondered deep down what he wanted to do because he didn't move any closer to my computer system. He made my face to look straight into his eyes, with that gesture, it became known to me that I was in for a serious real life talk and not a correction to my reoccurring mistakes on my keyboard.
He started "Have you ever wondered how much easier it is to fix mistakes on a word processor or computer than it is in real life?" I wasn't sure if I understood what he said because I just looked at him blankly.
He got the message I was trying to pass then he continued, "Each time you make a mistake in your word processing task, you are quick to tap the 'backspace' or even highlight your text and tap the 'delete' button but have you ever wondered why it's not easy to correct a mistake in a real life scenario?" I guess I get the point he was driving at now but I wasn't really the smart type to give the intelligent answer I supposed he wanted to hear, so I just shook my head like an agama.
Then he proceeded to say "For now, forget the fact that you're making silly mistakes in MS Word or that you've been on one lesson for two weeks now and focus on the lesson I want to teach you" Now my guess was right, I just knew that he wanted to give me a day long sermon, like it would last me for a lifetime. I sat still and paid rapt attention, who am I not to?
He continued, "Let me tell you something today, for the fact that the keyboard or your computer system generally was created by man gives man the ultimate power to handle it anyhow he likes. He can delete, highlight, select and do another form of operations he desires on it. But for we humans, we are created by a subreme being who has bestowed upon us the power to think, rethink, learn, relearn and unlearn, which implies that any decision we make in life is attached to us, it's either it makes us or mars us. One thing you should never forget is that no matter how we decide our lives and how we want to live it, we're still dependent on our creator, that is to explain the fact that once we make a mistake or error in our sujourn on earth, it's only by the grace of the Divine that we can ever correct it or live with it till the rest of our lives. It's never so easy to correct our mistakes. Do you think if the computer system was human it would want to correct all of it's mistakes? No, why because that's where the beauty lies, learning new things through adventures. So whenever you make mistakes in life, accept it, try to correct it if you can and if you can't, learn from it, move and never let that same mistake reoccur".
I was glad and smiled inwardly that my IT instructor won't have to yell or correct me again. Not until I received a light whip from the usual USB cord he kept specially for me anytime I made a silly mistake. I thought he said mistakes were inevitable! I didn't know I said that loud enough for him to hear until I heard him say "Not these ones lad, you have to perfect this" Then I sighed and went back to work.

© Anonymous