

a day of going ghost hunten
in a year of 1976, my mom and dad gave me permission, to go hunting with this guy lives down the road, I went with the guy hunting, we got out of the car, he loaded his gun, we went up the hill into the woods, there were five kids playing right there, they asked me if I could play with them, I said no I'm sorry but I'm hunting this man, the man which is name is art, ask me who was I talk to, I said I'm talking to the kids, art said there are no kids, but yes there is I'm talking to them, so art took me back home, he told my father what happened, dad ask him where did he go hunting,art told dad where he went hunting, dad said I understand, art said what do you mean, Dad said 20 year's ago, five kids burned up in a house fire right there, I said do you suppose he's talking to the kids, dad say Charlie has a habit in to talk to spirits of the Dead, art with Shane I've heard of things like that happening, I just not cut believe into it, until now, the rest of that year he didn't take me hunting.