

Something to tell-part-7
~About me~

Now it's time to tell about the current time...

I could feel the movement around me. The doors make noises, and if I see towards them, it stops, when I turn it happens again. It is happening all the time. Nobody is noticing it, except me. Sometimes the internet connection works stupidly, it connects, it disconnects continuously. Some times light flickers too, I really mean sometimes. I feel these things most when I'm alone, so my best friend music helps me, no tension. But it feels cold. Most of the days, I feel very tired like I would collapse. It's difficult to open eyes, I am sleepy all the time. My shoulders feels so heavy, like someone is riding on my back. I don't feel hungry too, mostly.

I remember that once in a dream a voice was saying that I'm cursed. Creepy. I did asked why but no answer. So I guess that's why it feels heavy. The proof is that sometimes I smell weird scent all over me.
At the starting of this month when I was sleeping, I sensed a different presence, it was of a child. It was trying to wake me up and wanted me to come and play.
On 17th March, I heard the grey guy's voice in my sleep, he wanted me to come back to him. What does that even mean. Does that guy knew me once?
I do have triggered some dreams of my other self or life, I saw him there, though I always forgot the face. In a dream he introduced himself as a European guy, but never told his name. He seemed to be really close to me in the dreams. But who knows, what's happening, if my mind is playing games with me because of my loneliness. I saw different me, it was like I was standing there and seeing my versions on the screen. It feels so mysterious. When in the dream you see as per the first person view. It's not a world of Matrix. Like I'm not actually here but so far somewhere.

I don't know why.
I am not able to express my anger. Whenever I get angry my breath becomes abnormal, my mouth and nose starts to rain. My blood flows with great speed. At rare times, I laugh and cry at the same time, I am totally crazy. I laugh and cry at my pain. I feel like a sadistic.
I can sense emotions and character of a person by just seeing their face, sometimes whenever I read some works of people, I can feel what the person that time was feeling during writing. Nonsense. I can read face and tell intentions of people.
What I tell about my positive self, it is just my another face. My true self is sadist, maniac, crazy, thirsty and wild, who wants to be free but it loves nature and, animals and birds. I guess the problem is with humans...

It's cold out here.

To be continued...
Based on a true story...

© XxStarwarexX

From next time, I'll write about the latest things happening, if I could. They might short, so reader won't get bored.