

The Anguished Man's Revenge
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember. I set down the painting in the alley I found myself in. 'How did I get here?' I thought to myself. I pinched my eyes shut tight trying to think of the last thing I could remember, it had felt like I lost entire days without a clue what happened.
I pressed my fingers to my temples trying so hard to remember what had happened in that lost time. I opened my eyes back up to find my hands covered in blood and I had to stifle a scream. 'Was this blood already on my hands and I didn't notice or is this too something new?' I had no idea what was happening to me.
"Put your hands on your head and get on your knees, scumbag!" a stern man's voice screamed as I was hit with a spotlight.
I turned around with my hand up to find myself facing a police officer with the sites of his glock locked in on me. Just as I was about to speak when it happened again, the world started to spin and everything went black. I woke up in a strange musty old room with that same glock now in my hand and blood all up my arms and spattered across my face. My heart jumped and I tossed the gun scooting back into a corner. 'What the hell is going on with me?' I thought as I curled my knees up to my chest.
"You are probably wondering what is happening to you aren't you, Michel." a man's voice sounded from the shadows.
"Who's that, who's out there?" I called frightened into the dark.
"Don't be afraid, nobody will hurt you here. Nobody will hurt you ever again, wasn't that what you wanted?" The voice chuckled and I slowly rose to my feet determined to find the source. "I came at your own request, Michel. You must remember asking for my help?"
"Who are you?" I asked as I grabbed the bloody gun up off the floor slowly and began to follow the voice.
"I am nobody." he said and I spun in circles as his voice sounded from all angels. "I am just the shadows on the wall," he began as a black shadow swished past me. "The one humanity calls to fulfill there most evil of desires." The voice was right behind me now I could feel his hot breath on my neck as the hairs began to stand up.
I quickly spun around only to come face to face with an old vintage body mirror. I looked and I could barely recognize the man staring back at me. I touched my face as bloody streaks followed down my skin. I began to look my reflection in the eye as I came to realize it wasn't moving the same as I was.
"I am you, Mitchel." My reflection spoke to me with eyes black as coal, "Do you remember now?"
I was speechless as I started to recall the last thing I could remember. My girlfriend of the last 6years, Gina and I were in a heated fight. I could see it in my memory, we were fighting because I didn't want to get married.

"It's been six years, Michel. When are you going to grow the fuck up?" she screamed as she washed dishes in the sink.
"I'm sorry if I don't see where getting married and being an adult go hand in hand? I love you, Gina I've loved you the last six years and I plan on loving you for many more. Isn't that enough?" I argued back.
"No Michel, it's not. You knew from beginning my plans in life, what did you think they would all magically change for you?" Her words bit hard.
"Did you think my plans would change for you?" I argued back feeling enraged.
"No, I never knew your plans because you never opened the fuck up to me about it! So I guess your right this is all my fault for being so naive all these years to think I was worth a shit to you." She yelled throwing down the dish rag and collecting her things.
"C'mon Gina I just don't understand what the big deal is." I pleaded.
"That's the problem, I can't stick around hoping someday you'll get the picture. I've worked far to hard to build my life up from the dirt, so I sure as hell won't get stuck in a mud hole with you. Goodbye, Michel." She said slamming shut my apartment door.
I was so hurt and alone I remember not wishing I never met her or something normal. I just slid down the wall and thought to myself how much easier things would be if she never existed at all or if a train hit her.
That was when my memory went blank but somehow in this memory I could break through the darkness only in bits and pieces but I could see my lost time. I watched myself wake from my bed at exactly 12:12am in a trace and dress myself. I watched on like a passenger to my own actions as I broke into someone's home and stared at a menacing painting of a man in pain.
"Michel you don't want to feel pain anymore, take me I can help." the painting spoke to me.
I watched on as I just nodded in some zombie state trace and proceeded to take the painting off the wall.
"Hey man, what do you think your doing?" a man asked approaching me cautiously. "Just put down the painting and no cops need to be involved bud."
"He doesnt understand your pain, Mitchel he is only standing in the way of your freedom. Make him feel how you feel, make him experience your pain and anguish!" The voice inside the painting called and just like that a knife appeared in my hand.
I watched on as my body took the knife and pushed it right into the man's sternum. The man struggled to speak as he looked to me with pleading eyes and blood flowing out of his mouth. I twisted the knife and watched as the iris of his eyes ceased to exist and the lights went out for him.
I was screaming inside but nobody could hear me and there was nothing I could do. In another flash I watched myself put a police officers gun to his own head and pull the trigger. Then I found myself back in reality kneeling before my reflection as it stood with those dead black eyes and a smile.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I cried.
"You asked for my help and I shall give it to you no matter the cost." My reflection replied.
"What are you going to do?" I asked horrified.
"We are going to finish what we set out to do." It relied as the reflection morphed into Gina with a bullet wound in her head.