

In a great developed city there falls a great school with the students all rich. In there a girl named Mary studied there in seventh grade. She doesn't talk much and have no friends. Mary always stays in her house and used to write and listen songs everyday.

One-day when the class was going on, a sudden earthquake appeared worst. And from the skies fall five people each with horns. They said to not make a move but Mary's teacher made a move and was killed at the point. Then one of the person with horn said, "If you all break focus on that red ball you'll die and the one atlas with be spared. Then now it starts focus only on red ball". Everyone did best not to lose focus but the five people were acting funny and was making alot of sound to break focus. Then they shot gun so one of the backbenchers from Mary's class was shot out. With it all was afraid so they were shouting and most was killed. After ten students died, there was left with eleven students. They broke glasses so another two losses their focus and they were shot out. Slowly as hours past there were only left with three students, one was Mary, Leo and Kristopher. All didn't lose their focus but atlas Leo said "I can't do it anymore, i will pray you two will be spared" and Leo was shot out for he lost his focus.
Now there were only left with two.
Mary and Kristopher were both equal to make focus.

After hours they were both feeling sleepy and was about to sleep but Mary kept her eyes awake and focused. Slowly, slowly Mary was about to lose focus a sudden terrifying sound crack and as she looked Kristopher has dead with bullet shot on his head. Then classroom was only filled with blood and bodies. With Mary in the middle of all the bodies. The people faded slowly and silence was creeping Mary. Then she closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes she was in the hospital. What she knew was that only she was alive from the whole school.
Mary didn't go to school and she was home school by her parents. She still feels regret for her friends dead.

Thank you!

*Fiction story* *horror *