

My Lovely Specter.
The sea side was tranquil and breezy. The gentle breeze swept upon the waters, causing waves of elegant curls to arise. But the breeze wasn't enough for Luis. Blobs of sweat settled on his ebony creased forehead. His hands were slid into his pockets as he looked into an empty space. It was the third time he saw her pass him by and though there was a bubbling urge to approach her, his will was weak.

The evening was fading slowly. The golden orb of the sun was out of sight. But he couldn't watch himself walk away from the beach without speaking to her. It was better she left on her own, and he console himself on the guise that he hadn't the chance.

As he gazed on, a tender soothing hand fell on his shoulder. His reflex prompted him to turn quickly. There she was, standing before him. Her light-skinned face and aquiline nose dazed him with Admiration. With her brown hat, embroidered with pink ribbon, she looked like a timely seraphim.

"Excuse me.... but you've been standing here sir - and you're sweaty?" She said. Her voice dropping like a melodic echo.

Luis couldn't pull out any words or rather, words deserted Luis. He looked at her as though at a Spectre. His thoroughly critical mind rifling for the perfect words to say. "Y -You're beautiful." he finally said. Unconscious of where the words had come from. As disappointing as it seemed, he was grateful for it. Her pink small lips leased a warm smile, and her eyes squinted. "Oh! Thank You" she said.
