

The Girl in the Dark
P.S: This story was based on a real event.

I just finished High School and Im turing college this year.
Mom was having a difficulty on finding an cheap apartment where I can stay.

Next morning I woked up and my phone Vibrates and notification said *You missed a call with mommy* I was curious why she was calling so I called her back and she said she said she found a place where I can stay that is paying a low and cheap rent.

Fast forward, I went to the apartment the next day and it's beside a forest it's a little bit creepy when I went to my room because it's kinda dirty, but the thing that caught my attention is the window that is facing the forest, it has many trees, it is dense and there are many old small houses. I just said to myself that it will give a nice view of the forest because the window is kinda big but it doesn't have a curtain so maybe next time I can add it but not now i said to myself.

I continued walk around the entire Apartment but sadly I didn't found any students that staying there, so I just thought that maybe they will moved here soon.

Time check, it's already 7:35 P.M and still there's no any students like me moving in. So, I decided just to rest on my bed and listen to a music, few moments later, I heard a loud crash downstairs (I forgot to say, my room is in the second floor, the apartment has up to 4 floors) .

I went down expecting that it will probably a student moving here, but no..... I looked around and saw nothing. I got a little bit scared so I just went up, but when I got there, I saw a chocolates, roses and a letter. I got curious, I thought I was the only one here?. I I read what was written, the letter said "I hope you like your stay here, not like mine I experienced a nightmare here."
I was speechless for a minute so I entered on my room thinking who gave those gifts.

After a while, I remember the window, so I went there and I looked out the window, I can see everything but, just a few seconds an unrecognizable girl approached to me, and she is waving, she's wearing an school uniform, sams as the uniform that Im wearing on college. I just waved back. Everything outside is dark all you can see is the girl and her blank face that's why I cant recognize her, in just one blink the girl suddenly disappeared.

I was suddenly confused so I immediately called the owner of the Apartment and asked if there was anyone else with me who stayed here.
I asked, and her answer shocked me.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but yur are the only one who rented the apartment."

After she said that, I froze and I couldn't move. I immediately called mom to pick me up but it will took a half hours before mom will arrive here. I quickly packed my things and went down on a rush, but before I open the door I heard a whispers which made me look back, I saw the girl again but this time I saw her in the mirror beside the stairs. And her reflection made me Screamed so loud leaving the apartment

I runned away until I found a road fortunately, a car passed by and I immediately stopped it, asking for mercy to let me ride, he immediately agreed and I told him the location, I told him to speed up the car because the girl might chase me, The driver spoke and said, "You seem to be very scared, Miss, what happened and look what time is it, It's eleven o'clock, and you're still running towards the road, you're lucky I passed by here."

"It's a long story but please Im begging you drive the car faster!."

We arrived at the house and right when I got out of the car they were just leaving to pick me up at the apartment. I got out of the car and thanked the driver, I hugged mom and we immediately went inside.

I told them the whole incident and Katrice, one of my friends, asked me, "Do you remember his face, his likeness?"

"She was wearing a uniform full of blood, her hair was a bit short, and the face looked familiar, she was smiling at me her eyes were red, but I couldn't recognize who it was." I answered

" Do you remember a girl named Valentine?" She asked again

"Our classmate when we are in grade 10?"


"So you are telling me that girl and Valentine is just one person?!."

"Yes, and that apartment is where she got killed she got r#ped there and didn't have a justice that why every students that we're staying there she always shows up, all the students who couldn't escape from her died and their bodies were never seen, even the security guards didn't want to investigate there."

We all gave a blank stare to everyone at the house, "Let's just go to church this sunday" Mom said. We all agreed for our safety.

The next day, we got a news that the driver of the car is d!ad, They said he had an accident, and when I saw the photo in the news where he had an accident, I was very surprised that this was the place where I stopped him, at the edge of the forest . when they showed the photo of the man, his body was divided and it was scattered all over the car, so they had a hard time determining if the man was killed or had an accident.

I was so scared, Im thinking about the poor man, he was kind but why did they killed him.
I went to bed, and I remember my dreams while I'm sleeping I saw the man in my dream and what did happened to him, The girl that I saw in the dark forest was the one who killed that man the girl was holding an axe to cut the parts of the body of the man.

My mom woked me up saying if Im okay because she said that Im mumbling. I just stayed quiet because Im sure that no one will believe me.

After that incidents, till now her case still hunts me, I'm still thinking about what could have happened to me if I hadn't stopped the car, would I still be alive?