

The old woman dropped her purse, spilling its contents all over the sidewalk. He rushed ahead to help her stopping short. He saw a gun under the purse, his heart skips a beat. He slowly glances at the old woman who owns the bag; her face stretch as if it's changing...

... indeed, it changed. She became a teenage girl.

He's hearing a begging voice, "help!!! Help!!! He--eelp" along when he steps back. While continuously stepping back, he bumped to another teenage girl. He stopped for a moment; he looked around, all he can see is the teenage girl that begs him to let her go.

"Can't you see? Your consciences eating you alive..." they whispered to him. He screams and ran. "Didn't I tell you that I'll be not at peace if you still breath..?" said by the grinning woman he just saw. Suddenly, it was the last thing he heard before he catches his last breath.

© abige
