

Reservation shld b Removed
Real but bitter Truth:::

When modi govt spks nd raise senstive issues like Triple talaak, abt in favour and take action for giving muslims females equal rights for gender equality in marriage nd divorce, dere congress other muslims parties say dat it dere parsonal shariyat matter, modi govt is interfering ,so modi govt is anti muslim party,

Simple question to congress party 60 yrs dey have dere govt, y dey dont hve thought abt muslims females to give equality? What dey did for muslims females?Muslim male will oppose naturally coz dey r misusing shariyat nd taking undue liabalities nd congress party always making minorities dere vote bank,

If modi govt spks abt lord ram mandir, He is trying to give lord ram his jaanambhoomi his mandir, where lord ram actually born in aayodhya, toh dere congress nd other party blames dat modi is favouring hindus,its as an anti muslim party,
Simple question to cogress party In 60 yrs congress party ever able to resolve dis issue,coz purposly dey dont want to resolve dis matter, as dey pleasing minorities for vote bank nd dominating ns supressing hindus frm dere equal rghts,as majorities r not dere vote bank.

In Mp state dere small towns like jaora,where modi govt actually gave 3lakhs rupees to all who r below poverty line nd who stays in small jugghi jhopadi nd try to make pakka house, dere also muslims people says dat dey r not giving whole amt in one shot, dey r giving in lumpsum, dere also dey r critizing, as some doesnt hve dere original addhar card or any other identity proff.

See d perception of congress nd anti modi which it trying to show people
Dat modi govt is trying to give equality to muslims, it is knwn as interence in shariyat so it is an as anti muslim party.
Nd when modi govt is trying to give equality to hindus, dere lord ram mandir, toh dere its considered as an hindu party .

Just see d perception of anti modi govt nd anti modi people too ki whatever gud effort modi govt will do dey have to criticize, will not appreciate nd react negatively .

Msg is dat it is all about perception, govt cannot change individual perception, we all indians need to unite nd instead of thinking selfishly which govt is reducing petrol price ya how much money will govt will give to individual accounts, nd which govt is giving reservation seats to particular caste,resevation shld b banned only, given to poor shld b income based, it shld not b caste based, so if modi govt took initiative to leave ur gas subsidiary nd most of well earned indians left d subsidiary, nd benefited to poors
And d most needy one is benefited.

so my simple question to all d educated nd well earning middle nd upper class cant u leave ur reservation for d needy nd poor ones???
so dat d poors can b benefited whether he is dalit or brahman,who is below poverty line will b benefited.

we all individuals of different caste want different facility frm govt, when we r educated enough nd earning well too provide gud education nd give gud comfort life to children independent enough y we r seeking or begging frm govt for rashan nd dal, seats instead of asking frm govt one individual need to ask from himsrlf, what contribution am giving to govt?

© Geetika Gupta