

The Fifth
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Revival by Stephen King:

He unlocked a door and led me through an office that was empty of furniture, although I could still see square clean patches on the grimy linoleum, where the legs of a desk had once stood. On the wall was a curling calendar with April 1989 showing dirt stains all over it. I mean we are talking about "orgasm at fifth" that infamous fifth floor of the office complex. It actually stinks like a whore house.

Going to a place like that clearly tells how desperate we were. Two colleagues with no interaction of any kind ever, total strangers who were checking out each other. for last few days and now resolved to have a fun time, a quickie during the lunch time. Another reason for me to make such a bold step was my own urges to have a good wild time. Last time I had sex was 2 years ago on and that too in the eve of my divorce. Since then I wsnt really giving it preference but now it's different. He is handsome, charming with a voice to fuck for. I was a little nervous at that moment. Never have I ever experienced anything close to this in my life. My sexsual life has never been fruitful, like hardly blooming. This was the first time when I resolved myself to have a good wild orgasm in a public place. He then gently put his hands on my shoulders from behind and whisperd," you smell so good today sugar."

I was always charmed by his voice and it turned me on. I could feel the drops of sweat selling down my thighs. I turned around, came closer, put my arms around his back and clised my eyes again. He knew, that bastard knew that I won't be able to resist him any longer. Suddenly, we started to hear a moanings nearby. I got startled and at that very moment we looked into each other's eyes and realized that we are not alone. There was another couple in the next room. Actually, there were a few. that is why this place was nicknamed as "orgasm at fifth". And walls were not thick enough to keep those erotic moans within. He instantly hold my face, gently moving his thumbs all the way from my lips to chin and finally closed my eyes and kissed me. He then embraced me a bit hard and shared his warmth. I on the other hand was in total chaos. Moanings from next door were becoming louder and louder. But somehow I was in his total control as if completely charmed by the spell of his manhood. I was oozing to jump all over him and eat him out from head to toe, like a bitch in heat. I am sure feelings were mutual for both of us.

Suddenly there was another sound and this time it was a wierd sound. Everything stopped, moanings as well. It became quite again. This moment brought me back into my senses as well.
I gently push him away and said, "I think we should wait for the right time and the right place, don't you think so?" He smiled and noded in agreement.

In the lift, when coming down to the lobby at groundfloor, unlike the time when going up, we were holding hands.

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© Kunba_The Hellish Vision Show