

Mall Mannequins
It's my first night shift at the Mall Gallery as a Mall cop. 1:00 am I was roaming around the mall in the east and pass by fashion stores and clothes stores... until I saw one mannequin in a school girl uniform creepling smiling eyes widened I thought it was vandalism until I blink and it moved and saw pile of glass shards I began to run and I can hear it's footsteps loudly I saw a escalator and went up. While running up I heard the footsteps of the mannequin began louder as it's trying to get me with it's dirty filthy hands, I pass by stores and pass by another clothes shop I catch a glimpse of them smiling and eyes widened they smash the windows and chased me. Through the corridors of the mall one of those dirty little mannequins Began throwing stuff like a knife and a vase at me. they threw a knife at my leg... I collapsed and trying to crawl they grab my leg and dragged me......
3:01 am...
I woke up in a room with mannequins from different stores circling me in a pentagram shape and the mannequins began to chant saying......

They grab my hands and legs and began pull and they ripped me as I agonize
they left me to die.....
The end....
This is not what you were expecting about of this story ending... remember No happy endings......