

It happened to me.
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.

What must have happened?... I wondered and pondered on what could have happened to me.

I am a quite and non violent person who hates infringing on people's rights and I avoid stepping on others toes too in order to avoid having problems with anyone.

Who did I offend and who has offended me so badly that l had to be pushed to grab a knife?...A bloody one at that!
Did I stab anyone?
I tried so hard to recall and remember what went wrong.
I tried to open my mouth to call out for help but my voice ceased and my throat was dry.

I looked up and down,left and right for any clue of what would have gone wrong but to no avail.

With the pains piercing all over my head,I only laid down to cry asking God to give me a clue.

It was a battle trying to figure out what the heck a bloody knife was doing in my hands.

I kept on imagining and thinking until suddenly, Like a flicker of light, it all started flashing in bit by bit and I could gradually begin to wrap my head around what had happened earlier.

That morning I had received a call from my dad who just told me about the parcel and some money he had sent to me and had asked me to go pick them up.

So after my morning chores and after I had eaten breakfast, i quickly grabbed my coat and headed off to the cargo park. On my way to the park,I called Tricia my colleague to inform her that I may be coming late to work and where i was going .

After picking up the parcel, I made my way towards the bus station and luckily I was just in time to join the last bus down to my hood. As I opened the front door of my apartment, I noticed the keys weren't as I kept them before leaving for the bus station. I opened the doors and stepped inside the house shutting the doors behind me and headed straight to the kitchen to take a cup of water and all I could remember was a big bang on my head . I fell with my head hitting hard on the kitchen cabinet again. With that pain I tried to grab my knife which was on the cabinet in self defense and raised my head as high as I could to look at what or whoever that has hit me and with that agony I raised my hand with the knife and that was all I could remember.

Now regaining consciousness and seeing the bloody knife in my hands could only mean one thing,I was able to stab the fool who sneaked into my apartment to kill me. It wasn't yet clear to me yet and i wasn't still sure but all I know is that I am alive.

#writco #story #truelifestory #life #writcostory