

I'm a female and I'm writing to all the women around the World they are beautiful..

I know most of you sit and wish that you look different.
And that you need makeup to cover your face because your not happy with your self.

Now take a look in the mirror and look at your self real good.
Each one of you woman are beautiful
out side and in , It does not matter if your skinny, or big girl, or In between skinny or big.
it does not matter if you have scares or if you have freckles extra,
You should not have to change the way you look period! Not for any guy either! lol,

People will Always make a rude comment about others, and some girls look at the TV and say I wish I can look like that . ummm stop thinking that Period!
No woman should wear makeup !
let your Beautiful face show , putting on mask just because you think bad about your self is not the answer.
stop putting your self's down and tell your self's That your beautiful and let your selfs shine!

what you also need to realize that everything you see is just an image , people on TV they really don't look that good ! its fake because the directors have hired makeup artist.

all I'm saying is please don't let anyone put you and just remember that your beautiful no matter what!!
And to always love yourselfs!!!
© Destiny Repass