

The Hello Man Chapter 4
After a while The Hello Man killed the priest, the priest's body began to glow, turned into a skeleton and then it disappeared. The Hello Man first got confused, but later he started to smile. He vanished into the darkness. There was no more sightings of The Hello Man until the 24th of March 2024 when a Japanese family of 5 moved into the mansion. That night at one of the 3 children's room was a whispering voice who whispered, “Hello”. The kid, Josh didn't hear it. Then all the sudden blood began to rain in his room. Just when Josh woke up, he noticed that there was 3 arrows who fell from the roof. One arrow hit his throat, another on his chest and the other one hit his forehead. All the sudden two red eyes appeared in the dark. A few moments later the two red eyes vanished with the dead body and the blood. Later that night at the parents' room there was a whispering voice who whispered, "Hello". Both Lucy and Wade was still sound as sleep. The Hello Man's hole body appeared in front of their bed. He had a gun in his right hand and a trident in his left hand. The Hello Man shot the two parents in their necks and then stabbed them both hundreds of times with the trident in their chests until their chests looked like bloody mince. A few seconds later The Hello Man vanished with the dead bodies and the blood. That morning the 2 children who was left in that family went to their parents' room. They saw that their parents were gone. Then all the sudden The Hello Man appeared behind them with a knife in his hand. He sliced both of the kids on their back of their necks. They fell dead on the floor. The Hello Man smiled, then disappeared with the dead bodies. The house stood empty for many weeks until the 13th of July 2024 when a Family of 3 moved in this house. The parents were Hank and Sallie and their one kid, Max. Hank was a demonologist and he knew the history of this house. He knew what happened in 1985 until that day, but he didn't believe that any one of that stuff was real. That night in Hank and Sallie's room, The Hello Man appeared. He wanted to walk to their bed, but he couldn't, there was holy water around the bed. The Hello Man got extremely mad. He began to shout in a deep voice, “Hello!”. Then he vanished. Hank and Sallie woke up. Hank told Sallie that he is going to get some water and so he did. In the kitchen Hank heard a whispering voice whisper, “Hello”. He looked frightened behind him. Then he saw The Hello Man with a axe in his right hand. The last thing Hank noticed is that his head was cut clean off . As the blood spilled from Hank's body, The Hello Man smiled. He vanished with the body and the blood. A few minutes later Sallie went to go check on her husband, because he was gone for a very long time. When she reached the hallway she heard a whispering voice whisper, “Hello”. She stood still and looked behind her, because thats where the voice was coming from, but no one was there. When she looked in front of her she noticed that a man with red eyes was standing there with a gun in his left hand. The Hello Man shot Sally dead without making any noise. Then he dispersed into the darkness with the dead body and the blood. Max went out of his room to go to the bathroom. When he walked in the hallway he heard a whispering voice whisper, “Hello”. He noticed that The Hello Man was standing in front of him. Max looked at The Hello Man. He saw that The Hello Man wasn't from this world. He began to run away. He ran to the nearest church, because his father told him that if he was in trouble or was a target or something, he should ran to the nearest church to pray. When Max reached the church he ran inside. He forgot to close the doors, but it was to late, The Hello Man was standing in front of the church with a axe in his right hand. Max noticed that The Hello Man couldn't go in, because of his unholy soul. Max started to pray. When he said “Amen”, he noticed that The Hello Man was gone. He walked outside a little scared, but didn't see or hear The Hello Man. Then out of nowhere the Hello Man appeared in front of him and cut his head clean off. It happened very fast. The Hello Man walked back to the mansion with a smile on his face. After he was in front of the mansion, he vanished in the night.

#TheHelloManUniverse #Anime #Horror

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