

Melody of the broken Man
What is happiness?
A question he asked himself while looking outside his gym window trying to avoid feeling empty.

Happiness was a topic that was sour for him beginning of childhood upto to his adulthood,

Many knew him but all do not know him.
For him there was emptiness behind every smile and loneliness in every good bye.

He sat there silently with his hoody on as the rain thickened fighting every urge to not break under the flood of emotions building up due to anxiety.

Is happiness the feeling of making love to a woman or is it the feeling you get when you indulge yourself in smoke and alcohol ?

Does happiness choose its favorites?
he questioned himself, if so that would explain the multitude of people that smile so authentically around him.

He was plagued with questions as his demons had a feast with his dark emotions .

The crow began attacking the walls of his heart ,scratching furiously as if desperate to take over.

He sat there with tears foaming under his eyelids as if ready to cry.

Memories of childhood started to rush in like an avalanche crushing him more .

A particular memory stuck ,it was the memory of him as a kid hiding in a web of vines while it was raining heavily and crying whilst wishing he was never born.

At an early age he suffered and as he grew he learnt to be kind and gentle with people so they didn’t suffer like he did .

He wore a cape of light as if role-playing as a hero bringing happiness to those around him.

Little did they know he was breaking, even as he smiled, he was breaking even when he embraced loved ones .

He never regretted giving his love to people but he gave everything away and spending every penny in his wallet.

Until he was left with nothing but a will. A will to continue guiding others around him who suffered similar woes.

He sat there wondering how long will he have to wear his mask, and continue to sacrifice himself for others.

To him death was the definition of happiness, to be truly free and completely end the suffering he’s facing alone.

He sought Peace but peace was slipping through his fingers just like the many that left him filled with scars .

Free me...unshackle me ....God... save me.... please .

He sat there watching clouds float screaming from the depth of his heart in the loneliness of his own company.

He then turns and goes back slowly into the gym to train once again to distract himself and hoping for a better life.

Maybe one day ....
He will understand happiness.