

In the beginning there was one planet called earth 001 but after 8000 years the planet was destroyed and displaced into millions of stars, and in those stars came planet Earth 037, home of human beings. In 2999, earth 037 faced a great attack of aliens, for it's name was Rhodan.
General Rhodan was very wicked to the extent of wiping planets for his enjoyment and satisfaction, anything in his path was utterly destroyed.
Senior commander, plank Evans of planet Earth 037 signaled their command center on Earth that an alien was approaching. The Earth's command center tried too reach out to that out post but it was already destroyed.
The president of USA,kornell George took to his life and tan out of the planet only for him to meet General Rhodan and his army but narrowly escaped and returned to Earth's command center to report.
After the meeting the president assured the mass that the aliens would be defeated but just then General Rhodan sent a robot to show off their superiority by showing them the planets they've destroyed.
A Nigerian navy blew off the robot and took the battle to the aliens as the president of USA challenged Nigeria to stop firing but the president of Nigeria, olusegun olatunde fought back and told them to keep fighting 😡.
The leader of the Nigerian army in space, Jenyo Jason Ezekiel took his space craft into the alien's ship and crashed it because the outter wall of the ship was shielder by an emp (electromagnetic pulse) field. He enters the ship and gets to the power plant of the alien ship.
Thousands on Earth were getting killed 😱 but they stood strong and brave before the face of death.
General Rhodan, hits the general of Nigeria but after a few minutes of punch and kicks he throws both himself and General Rhodan into the lava coil and shoots the PowerPoint of the alien's ship and blows them all.
In the end, General Rhodan and Jenyo Jason Ezekiel died. The president of USA was removed from his position and jailed for 100 years. President olusegun olatunde retired after 13 years of ruling Nigeria. The rites were hold for Jenyo Jason Ezekiel and his brave fighters of Nigeria.
"Arise brave Nigerians"