

Love was never mine, neither was He! : Chapter 2
Going back in time, I was a normal IT Professional content with whatever I was doing. Dealing with a break up after being rejected by a Guy's parents for no fault of mine.

I came across Javed on a matrimony portal when my family was in full swing to get me married. He seemed to be the perfect man and in no time we started to like each other alot. We eventually decided to spend the rest of our lives together until reality hit us hard.

His mum felt her son was slipping away from her to a girl he has been speaking to over phone only since a couple of days and his Dad thought I'd not fit into their mediocre world as I was the only kid to my parents.

We all belong to a judgemental society. Javed reassured me that he'd convince his parents but my family started to pressurize him and me for a final decision and he decided to let go. He decided to give up so easily!

I tried reaching out to him but he hardly responded. Not sure if he was shattered by his parent's decision or did he think I wasn't even worth putting up a fight for. I still ponder over it sometimes.

I got a new project and life got busy in the IT world with work and friends.

© Tisha W