

Unfaltering woman...
Do comment your views so that it might help someone get realization...

Once there lived a girl who is soft-hearted, soft-spoken, beautiful, strong minded, kind, modest, determined and reliable.

At a time there used to be a boy who always misunderstand the girl and use to mock her. She tolerated it once, twice, thrice but he didn't stop pestering and ganged up against her..All those who ganged up with him are two timers. This time he really crossed the limits...

That's it she retaliated and made that boy's life a living hell!! From that moment both became sworn enemies. But the advantage is the girl is always on upper hand in all aspects, so that she completely ignored that boy as if he no longer exists!!

All her friends tried hard to change her mind to forgive that boy who almost let her image worse in the society, because they can't see the misery of that boy.. But it didn't alter her mind a bit..

After "9 long years" one day the boy reminded all the things in the past and realised his mistake and also pondered for a while and thought that because of him that girl is far away from her friends and get together parties because he is a mutual friend.

On his birthday he managed to contact her and asked for his forgiveness.. For his mere surprise that girl let go of the past and replied in a cool manner - "Yep forgiven, let bygones be bygones and btw Happy birthday."

It is the most memorable birthday for him because he regretted his past behaviour and was forgiven!

Neither will she forgive him when he confessed few years ahead nor she makes him suffer. She just wanna make him regret for his own mistakes himself without explaining herself as nature takes it course and facts speaks.

AUTHOR 'S NOTE:- What do you think of that girl's attitude?? Would you accept such a strong determined girl or an easy going girl who later can become a laughing stock???
© SKAB #skabwrites