

Hye every adult reading this.....
We all agree that since our birth we've committed a lot more mistakes and also have learnt from them all. I agree. But you know sometimes some mistakes can be fatal enough to destroy our whole life. Of all the ages, I think we all will agree that adolescence is most complex age; it's a transition step from childhood to adulthood, and because our mind is still naive enough to understand the new changes in our body we end up going very wild with our emotions.
We tried comprehending these changes, why they happened, what's the logic?. Our heart yearn for communication; someone from whom we get to know about us. We ask our parents and family and teachers.......sadly the replies are 'Shhhhhhh; rubbish; it's a sin; awkward smiles; ignorance; silence' and our question remained unresolved.
So what is the solution? 🤔🤔🤔 How most of us got to know about these changes..... INTERNET 😔😔. And I can bet we would have never searched on internet asking "what is adolescence?"....I definitely can 😄😄.
I have to share my experience.....when I entered 8th grade, suddenly I got to know that their exist affairs, love 🤔🤔 (as they thought) masturbation, porn watching in my class. Everyone started looking for a partner suddenly, and I never understood why?. To be very frank I never ever was able to understand what true love is till the time I was in school. Everyday, as if I was in a market, boys and girls exchanging their numbers, new patchups, sudden breakups, hookup news in the assembly hall, my brain got totally confused. One day my friend asked me to "HAVE" a boy too....as if he's a product to be "HAVE" ...I was quite chubby so I said no one will like me ...so her reply was "Oh, You say yes, there will be a line I will raise".....I smiled and refused. I never wanted to be a part of any emotional breakdown at this point of time. There used to have turns; like once a girl has done a breakup than another boy was ready saying "oh, thank God now my chance has finally come". I silently was observing them. But this disgusted me. The chapter on reproduction in class 9th and 10th, was a sort of buzzzz.....no one wanted to read that chapter but everyone wanted to listen to it and laugh. Awkward teachers again made us realise that it's a 'husshhhhh' topic.
Today, I'm quite mature enough to comprehend what was happening in my class. So that's why I am sharing this untold experience with you all. Only one couple married out of them all, the others now moved on and have married someone else.
But what about today's generation which is quite very sensitive to emotions. In India, every ten minutes suicide is witnessed .....such is the level of sensitivity. Now imagine, a boy or a girl or any LGBTQ+ child, who after any change asks about it; no replies, go and watch porn as per his friend's suggestion, start taking its body as a playstation, hookup-breakup, 'first unfulfilled love's, unable to realise what's happening and feels a mental trauma, finally ends its life.
Guys, this is the foundation stage of every adult. Whatever they will learn at this stage will remain with them forever. What if this trend becomes responsible for a person to be rapist in future, serial killer who have endured a lot of bullying because of it's age????......So much wrong can happen only and only because of our (the adults) ignorance.
So what's the solution?....for me is communication.....I know we can't talk to everyone, but if we can remove this awkwardness and openly talk to these innocent (soon to be adults).
What if when they ask "What is sex?", so rather than hushhh husshhhhh it, can we say that "child it's way through which human's are born, it's a beautiful process, everyone waits for it and when one day you will be adult enough you'll also have a child through it. Your body has been changeing since childhood, now also it's changing, it'll be changing in the future to too......there is nothing to worry, whatever is happening is completely normal....there will be some very strong sensation in your body but it's not the right time to explore those sensation....when there will be right time I'll guide you through it.....you know now you'll be attracted towards some people and vice versa....but do not think it as LOVE suddenly....Love is completely a different concept my dear.....the one who will LOVE you will be attracted towards your good features and will also accept you with your follies.....there is no need to change yourself for anybody...you are perfect in your body....try be healing and fit.....and you might hear various things in school about this....but whenever you'll have any doubt....rather than going anywhere try come to me....I promise I in most truthful manner will explain you everything....I'll guide you forever....From now we're are friends.....no secrets and hesitation.... Now it's your turn to ask anything......"🙂🙂😌😌.
With this the child will develop a greater faith in you..... anyway they are very vulnerable and trust people easily and rather than letting them trust a stranger who might take undue advantage from them...it's better to let them talk to us.

Thank you all for reading,I know I've not explained it properly...sorry for that....if you have more better solutions please do share them in the comment section. All I want to say is thses young adults are very naive, they've certain expectations from us, if we'll break their trust now, I am damn sure we'll never be able to enjoy the same innocence in them which they have since childhood. Don't let them be rude adults, lonely, depressed, yearning for love, heartbroken.....we might have had experienced it....Don't let them face the same misery......It's my humble request

© Ritu