

I came home tired after a long, hectic day of school. Exhausted and drained, I threw my school bag on the couch. When Mom came out of the room, she screamed," What will Didi think when she'll see how un-organised this child is!"

"Didi...! Who Didi..?" I asked eagerly.

"She is a doctor you know and her name is Dr. Ishita Kak and from now, she'll be living with us as a paying guest" said Mom.

"Really! Can I go and say hello to her?"

I picked my bag and kept it on my study table like a nice boy.

"Wait! I have invited her on tea at 5. She must be busy unpacking her stuff." said Mom and meanwhile I changed my clothes and cleared all the unnecessary things lying here n there to put a good impression on her.

I was excited to know how doctors really are. We were ready with tea and some snacks. She came out of her room and we introduced ourselves.

She was so easy going and within no time we became familiar to each other. I cheerfully welcomed her as a new member of the family.

It was the time when Covid-19 pandemic was showing its impact. By the passing time, the situation was getting worse day by day.

Our Prime minister has announced the complete lockdown in the country to combat the coronavirus outbreak.

I along with my cousins was watching news and we shouted with joy when we came to know that the schools and all other educational institutes will be closed.

But it in the evening when Didi came home, I observed she was very upset. At the dining table, she explained the intensity of the situation that how hard life was going to be for the next few months.

I did not realize the seriousness of the situation when we kids were excited on the extension of our holidays. Didi, on the other hand was deprived of getting even a single day off from work. I was also unaware by the fact that how safe we were at home while she was risking her life for the sake of saving others.

Days passed and her responsibility increased day by day. Putting her personal life on stake she continued working day and night to serve the mankind. Other than this, her major concern was that she might carry the virus home to our family. Keeping that in mind, she isolated herself in her room away from all of us and took all the necessary precautions like sanitizing the hands every now and then and taking a shower after she reaches home.

I was so devastated to see her in this situation where in she is alone, away from her family while we all are so fortunate to lead a normal life. We are with our dear ones, safe at home, connected to our friends and able to access education smoothly.

One evening, when she returned home, she looked very upset. Though she had isolated herself and we were not allowed to visit her but I could not stop myself and jumped to see her. I heard her sobbing in her room. I knocked at door, went inside, saw that she was talking to her parents on a video call and tears were rolling down her eyes. She tried to hide her feelings but I could feel the pain in her voice, as she had not met her parents since months. Her parents were more concerned about the wellbeing of their daughter who puts her life at risk every day when she steps out of the house.

But despite all the adversities she consoled her parents by saying, "Maa, they need me more than you do. I assure you that as long as I am healthy and able to offer the humanity, I will do it."

It was a proud moment for her parents as well as for me when I heartily felt the sacrifices made by her on this call of duty.
I thank Didi and all the healthcare professionals for being a ray of hope for many families going through the difficulties of COVID-19. They are an inspiration to all of us. I wish them all the best and good health.
© Euphoric@shilpa