

Horror story 👻👻
#pratiksha ghodchar
Once upon a time in a small village there was a small street where are all time many garbages then its a night time at 12'o clock one lady will finish his office work and go to home..she slowly walk on the road and she will sing the song then.
She hear the sound of gungru and she will be shocked she will be in fearness.. Then she will go to the street to check who was there??
She go slowly slowly in the street and she see all the dirty garbage under the garbage she see one hand and two big eyes then she was shocked 😱and the gunghru sound was higher and higher then under the garbage where she see one hand and big eyes she will think about it then she will hear like a horror sound then she will be run and reach at home she will be sit on the bed and think about itt she will be in so fear because where she see a hand and eyes and hear the sound the place will be back at her home...
She go to toilet because she is in so fear again the gunghru sound will higher and higher..Then her fear will be more she again run and sit on the bed then there was a window near the bed she see outside in the window then someone will knock on the door she will be shock and the door will be locked then she hear legs and gunghru voice then someone coming near near to her then the horror comes on the window and laugh.... 😁She will so much shocked then tomorrow morning her husband see her dead body hanging on the fan......
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Based on real story...