

I wish I had done better,
I wish I had created those memories with you when you wanted them faster.
I wish I never looked past your gloomy face even when you said you were fine,
I wish I did something even when you gave the heavy sigh.

I wish I didn't get to tell you sorry alone when I saw the tears on your face,
I wish I didn't step away even when you said it's just a phase.
I wish I left everything and everyone just to attend to you alone,
I wish I sent those things you said you do not like off your zone.

I wish, I just wished I didn't say those words I said during our usual argument,
I wish I had said the truth to you without any form of sentiment.
I wish I fought for you and not with you,
I wish I had said sorry when I had that particular argument with you.

I really wish wherever is it that you are is the best place,
I really wish and pray that you find solace .
I miss you so dearly sweetheart,
And I want you to keep resting on that heart.